Chapter 3

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Once the meeting was in session all I had to do was take notes on important points Mr. Stone and the other companies brought up. I was so focused on writing, I didn't hear Mr. Stone call my name.

"Ms. Winters will you pass out these copies to each person?" He demands and I quickly get up, picking up the copies as well. Handing them out, I couldn't help but notice some of the men glancing down at my chest whenever I bent down to hand it to them. Slightly annoyed, I bite my tongue to refrain from making a snarky comment. Walking back to my seat, I take a quick glance at Mr. Stone to see he had an unreadable expression on his face.

The meeting was going well, with almost everyone signing the petition Mr. Stone had to expand his company into Canada so that he could branch out into newer territories. In return the companies signing got 5% of whatever success Mr. Stone attained. The whole idea was genius but I'd never admit that to Mr. Stone. Once the meeting was over, Mr. Stone called me over.

"Did you take good notes Ms. Winters?" He asks me but I can't help but check him out. His gorgeous brown locks were slicked back and his suit fit him perfectly, clinging to his arms in a delicious way. Snapping out of it to see him smirking, I hand him the notes to see for himself. He glances at them, flipping through the pages and finally looks up to give me a smile.

"Good work today Ms. Winters, you're dismissed to go to lunch. Don't wanna keep your little boyfriend waiting." He says with a slight glare at the end of it.

"He's not my boyfriend and even if he was its none of your business Mr. Stone." I snap back slightly annoyed that he's jumping to conclusion.

"Very well." He says with yet another smirk and dismisses me with a wave of his hand. Rolling my eyes I exit the room and make my way down the stairs not wanting to wait for the elevator. Walking into the cafeteria, I spot Connor waving me over and walk towards him with a smile.

"You made it down unharmed!" He says with excitement that I can't help but laugh at.

"Yes I did, but not before he told me off for flirting during work." I say annoyance clear on my face.

"Don't let that bipolar man bring your mood down, now let's see that smile." He replies pinching my cheeks. Swatting his hands away, I shake my head with a smile and walk up to the cafe with Connor hot on my foot. When I got to the counter I ordered a turkey sandwich and a water pulling out my purse to pay.

"I got it, I'll take a ham and cheese sandwich with a Diet Coke." Connor orders paying for the both of us as well.

"You didn't have to do that you know." I say turning around and walking back to our table with food in my hands.

"I know but what kind of best friend would I be if I let you pay yourself? We are best friends right?" He asks with a hopeful expression.

"Of course we are! Bffl!" I exclaim with a giggle taking a bite of my sandwich. Moments later blondie from this morning walks past rolling her eyes at me. Annoyed I shout

"Keep rolling your eyes, maybe you'll find a brain back there." Earning laughter from the other employees. Huffing she struts back to her table and I continue chewing my sandwich.

"Woah I never knew you were such a feisty little thing!" Connor replies with a chuckle.

"I am Hispanic and we're know for picking fights for the heck of it." I reply with a smirk. God Mr. Stone is rubbing off on me.

"Aww my little Latina firecracker is a badass!" Connor exclaims with what I assume was suppose to be a Hispanic accent but came out sounding southern. Staring at him expressionless for a couple moments, we both burst out laughing and continue eating.

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