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Amelia's pov.

I sat in front of the vanity observing my glowing features in the mirror, polished with a thin layer of makeup. If you had told me a year ago that taking the job at Stone Industries would lead to my marriage, I'd probably laugh in your face at how bizarre it sounded. Sitting here now though, it felt like I was destined to meet the love of my life at that interview and I was so thankful that I had because I couldn't imagine my life without Ivan.

"Amelia, are you listening" Sierra asked, effectively snapping me out of my daydreaming. I had asked Sierra to be my maid of honor almost immediately after I said yes to the proposal and now here she was helping me with my hair.

"Something about the wedding I assume" I answered sheepishly much to her disapproval.

"Obviously" she retorted before continuing "Once the bridesmaids and grooms are on stage, the music will begin and that's your cue to come in with your father."

"Sierra, I was at the rehearsal dinner, I know when I'm suppose to walk in" I assured her with a smile.

"You can never be too sure" her answer was as she sluggishly walked away in embarrassment. Giggling at her childish behavior, I returned my gaze to the mirror, taking in the hairstyle which ended up being a loose braid beginning at the top of my head and leading down to the low bun with curly strands framing my face and small flowers surrounding the bun.

The hairstyle was quite simple seeing as the dress was suppose to be the center of attention as it was. It was a beautiful long-sleeved white gown, the top half completely lace with small areas of sheer material and the bottom was a plain white material that went to the floor.

A knock came from the door as my father peeked his head in "Mija, the ceremony is starting" he informed me as I took one final look before getting up and making my way out to my father.

My stomach began fluttering as the nerves slowly krept up into my heart at the thought of seeing Ivan. My father noticing, wrapped his arms around my frame, whispering reassurance into my ear much to my appreciation.

Once I was composed, we began making our way to the church, the parking lot filled with cars displaying how many people would be in the church. We made it to the doors just as the music began to fill the room signalling it was time for my entrance.

With one more breathe and a quick squeeze from my dad, we slowly walked down the aisle as everyone turned their attention to us. Immediately, my attention found Ivan as he took in my appearance in pure happiness and adoration. I blushed at all the attention I was receiving but that all diminished once Ivan took my hand and I was stood in front of him. The ceremony began with the priest saying a few words before he signalled for us to begin giving our vows.

"I don't know if I could even begin to explain to you all how Amelia makes me feel and because I don't want to keep you here for ages, I'll keep it short. Mia cara, you are honestly the best thing that could've ever happened to me and there's absolutely nothing I wouldn't do for you. You bring meaning to my otherwise dull life and you have given me a new purpose. I adore every single thing about you and your amazingly kind heart. It never seizes to amaze me how no matter what life throws your way, you can still remain positive and hopeful. I promise to remain by your side as long as you will let me and will continue to love you no matter what." Ivan finished flashing me an award winning grin.

"Ivan, although my first impression of you was not the best" I began earning a few chuckles from the audience. "You soon changed my mind once I got to know who the real Ivan Stone was, underneath all of the success and hard exterior. Behind all of it, you have one of the biggest hearts and that's the main reason I fell for you. With all the chaos that we've endured over the course of the last year, you were the one thing giving me the strength I needed to make it out without breaking. I can't even begin to express how much I love you because I don't think there are enough words to explain the feeling I get whenever you look at me or when you touch me. I promise to return that love to the best of my ability as we begin this new chapter in our lives and as we grow old together. I love you to the moon and back princessa" I ended, tears brimming my eyes at my love for the man standing before me. Ivan wiped a tear from his eyes as he cleared his throat as we exchanged rings.

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