Chapter 16

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Ivan's pov.

The sun glaring in my closed eyes through the window disrupted my sleep. I open my eyes and look around confused at the unfamiliar surroundings. I feel weight on my chest and look down to see my angel sleeping soundly, her hair sprawled across her face. I watch her body rise and fall as she breathes, taking the time to admire her.

Her face had a very peaceful expression as she slept comfortably on my chest. Her long dark eyelashes rested on the top of her rosy cheeks and my gaze continues to sweep across her face. My eyes land on her little button nose and I examine the silver hoop that was pierced into her nose. My eyes finally land on her beautifully plump, pouty lips that I crave to have on mine every second of the day.

I slowly lift my hand up to brush her hair out of her face but she stirs and finally her eyes flutter open. My heart warmed as her gorgeous pools of emerald green eyes light up at the sight of me.

"Good morning Ivan" she whispers shyly her voice a lower pitch from sleeping making my lower anatomy stir excitedly.

"Good morning my love" I reply huskily and lean down to kiss her on the forehead. Pulling back, I look into her eyes and watch her expression as a beautiful smile appears on her mouth. She snuggles closer to me and lifts her head up to give me a kiss on my jaw. Restraining myself from ravishing her right here I close my eyes to calm myself down.

"How'd you sleep" she asks me, smiling deviously knowing her effect on me.

"Best sleep I've had in a while" I respond truthfully. Whenever I went to my bed to sleep, my mind kept me up with business ideas and possible alliances making me get up to write the down. It was a constant cycle until I was so exhausted I had no choice but to sleep. With her though, all my thoughts drifted away giving me the peace I needed to sleep.

"Same here" she replies sheepishly before sitting up to pull the blankets off her body. She stands up and my eyes immediately scan over her body stopping momentarily on her neck, my mind instantly filling up with how it'd feel to be kissing her neck. My gaze also falls to her long legs and I close my eyes instantly thinking of her legs wrapped around my torso as I made love to her.

"WHAT ON EARTH ARE WE STILL DOING ASLEEP WHEN WE HAVE WORK" I hear her screech making my eyes shoot open to look at her panicked state. Before I have time to answer, she's already rushing to the bathroom muttering about how stupid she was. Chuckling I get up myself and grab my phone to call my chauffeur to bring me a suit telling him to be here in fifteen minutes. I walk over to her bathroom door to knock and opening it once I hear her respond. Walking in, I watch as she brushes her teeth and washes her face rapidly before she turns around to glare at me.

"Why aren't you dressed yet?! Do you not realize I could get fired for showing up late" she exclaims with her hands on her hips and I immediately burst out into laughter.

"Oh mia cara, you're so cute" I reply sobering up and giving her a kiss on the cheek. She gives me yet another glare before responding.

"I don't understand what exactly you find so funny" she snaps frustratedly still not realizing her mistake.

"Considering I'm your boss, I don't think you could get into very much trouble" I respond with a straight face before cracking a smile. Her facial expression changes to one of realization before she reddens in the face. I chuckle and shake my head before asking her a question.

"Do you have another bathroom I could use to get ready" I ask seriously.

"Yeah, it's down the hall to your left. Their should be toothbrushes and such in one of the drawers" she replies thoughtfully before adding "Now get out so I can shower" giving me a soft push out of the bathroom. I chuckle before heading to the bathroom to get ready myself.

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