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Ahsoka mostly stared out over Coruscant during the flight to the Detention Center. It was easier than thinking about anything else right now. If she looked straight ahead and focused on their destination, it just made her feel uneasy. She didn't want to stare at Plo Koon while he was flying either, so over the side of the speeder it was. 

It occured to her that the last time she had seen Master Plo, other than the Lokori mission, was when he had protected the Twi'lek Youngling, Lura, from the Sister. Ahsoka had met Lura when she had visited and the girl had actually recognized her. It was so strange that the Youngling had known her secret identity and no one else had so far. She didn't move, but she became hyper-aware of how close she was to the Jedi Master. Had he figured it out yet?

She remembered how well he had defended Lura. The Sister never laid so much as a hand on the girl, much to Ahsoka's relief. The sight of the little one curled up in his arms came back to her, and she imagined a much smaller version of herself in the same situation. When Plo Koon had come for her, it was a band of pirates that had come to kidnap her instead of an Inquisitor. Had she looked that scared, the same way Lura had been of her? Had her soul shone with the same innocence Lura's had?

Closing her eyes, Ahsoka leaned her hand back on the headrest of her seat and breathed out. She didn't have pictures of herself as a child, but even if she had it would have been impossible to see herself as a toddler again. She was too scarred, too guilty, too knowledgable to be that small and innocent again. Although she didn't know what future lay ahead for Lura, she hoped she would have to live through the nightmares Ahsoka had survived.

She felt a large hand cover hers and squeeze it. Ahsoka glanced over at Plo Koon, who was keeping his focus on flying but comforting her all the same. He didn't know what was running through her head, but he could feel how hopeless her outlook was. Plo didn't want that for the girl who had brought so much joy into his life, so he tried to give back some of the comfort she had given him over the years. He didn't know how to take the burdens she carried away from her, nor how to make her face shine like it used to, but he could squeeze her hand as they flew. When he felt Ahsoka squeeze back, he knew that even that tiny gesture was helping.

Plo Koon set down by the entrance of the Detention Center. A small crowd had formed by the doors, mostly reporters and cameramen. Oh, great, now the press had caught wind of it.

It made sense, the Republic would want to advertise that they had caught a terrorist, but these people were being foolish. If a known criminal and murderer is being kept in a building they have shown to be able to escape from, your first course of action should not be to try to get in said building. It wasn't hard. 

Ahsoka followed Plo Koon to the front entrance, and Ahsoka wished she had brought a cowl or something to hide her face. As it was, she only had her jacket and her bag, neither of which had a hood. Someone turned in their direction to see who the newcomers were, and as soon as they saw the Jedi Gone Rogue, they scrambled to get to her first. 

To his credit, Plo tried to hold them back for her, but they were desperate for something to report on. All they had so far was the Jedi's announcement that no further details were available, but maybe she could give them something. Instead, though, Ahsoka jumped over the crowd, behind the Jedi line that had formed in front of the doors where the press couldn't get to her.

Anakin, who was one of the Jedi on guard duty, snickered and fought to hide it from Obi-Wan, who was standing next to him. Obi-Wan glared at her over his shoulder. "That wasn't very polite, Ahsoka."

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