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Aboard the 501st cruiser, Anakin and Obi-Wan walked into the command center, still not really understanding what was going on. "All right, Admiral. What's so important that you brought us all the way..back..."

Maybe they should have guessed. Other than Saw Gerrera, Ahsoka was the only other person who had access to the Fulcrum subspace frequency, and indeed it was her who was talking with Admiral Yularen, along with another helmeted warrior. They looked to be Mandalorian, based off of the armor design. 

Ahsoka, at the sight of the two Jedi, grinned and turned around. "Fancy seeing you here," she joked, despite the heavy situation at hand.

"Snips, you called us," he reminded her, crossing his arms but smiling all the same. "Good to see you, though."

"Likewise," she returned, propping a hand upon her hip. 

"I hate to break up the conversation," interceded Obi-Wan, "but I'm assuming you aren't utilizing a secret, in-case-of-an-emergency-only frequency just to catch up."

She shook her head, addressing the subject she had in mind when she called. "No, I have urgent information for both of you."

Both Jedi understood and held off the pleasantries, and Obi-Wan asked, "What is it, Ahsoka?"

"Lady Bo-Katan and I have located the renegade Sith Lord Maul, along with his apprentice, Barriss Offee. If we move swiftly, we believe we can capture them," she explained, knowing it was startling information but sure that it would help their cause.

Obi-Wan and Anakin exchanged glances, having both perked up at the use of those particular names. No matter what the situation was, they needed more information, and over hologram wasn't the best way to share that kind of intel. Obi-Wan nodded at Anakin, who addressed the women. "I assume you're on your way?"

"We're not far," Ahsoka confirmed, looking to Bo-Katan for approval. "With your permission, we'd like to dock shortly."

"We'll be waiting for you," Anakin told her, extending the permission she was seeking. Ahsoka gave him a single nod, with the smallest of smiles on her face. Admiral Yularen ended the transmission and the Jedi walked out, preparing to greet their visitors. 


They really weren't that far off. It wasn't long before the hangar doors were opening, and a sleek, Mandalorian ship was descending onto the launch pad. 

"Remember, Anakin," Obi-Wan reminded him as they walked together. "This meeting is for business. There won't be much time to chat."

"I know," he replied, wanting to complain but knowing he was right. "Still, this doesn't have to be all doom and gloom. A 'hello' isn't going to hurt anyone."

Obi-Wan shook his head at his apprentice. "I guess you're right. Just don't take it personally if she seems a bit more occupied today."

The ramp to the ship lowered, and Ahsoka was the first one to disembark. Both she and the Jedi got quite the sense of deja-vu, but before anyone could comment on it R2-D2 rolled past Anakin and Obi-Wan, straight up to Ahsoka, beeping happily. She stroked his metal head affectionately, grinning at the blue astromech. Some things never change, she thought fondly, even if it's only a droid. 

As Bo-Katan and the other Mandalorians followed her off the ship, Ahsoka walked forwards towards the Jedi. This had been her idea, after all. Anakin crossed his arms as they approached. "Long time no see," he teased her, trying really hard not to grin. 

"You don't say?" she fired back, raising an eyemark amusedly. "I am glad to see you're both still in one piece, though. We'll have to catch up another time," she told them, glancing back at her companions. "Things are moving quickly."

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