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Hours earlier...

A knock came at Chancellor Kanai's office, as it had nearly every hour since Grievous had attacked Coruscant. "Come in, Master Skywalker," Kayla told him, in a somewhat weary voice. It wasn't that she didn't enjoy his company or reassurance, but his routine check-ups on her had already become a bit predictable.

The Jedi walked in, hiding a smirk at her annoyance. Anakin would be too if he was being protected around the clock. "I'm glad to see you're still alive," he noted, trying to lighten the mood. 

"Yes, just as alive as I was the last time you came in," she informed him, groaning a bit and rubbing her temple. "I'm sure you agree, your efforts could be more useful elsewhere than protecting me at the moment."

Anakin did agree, but he wasn't naive enough to admit it out loud to her. "But then no one could bring you reports on General Grievous," he reminded her, having just come from a meeting with Yoda, Mace Windu, Ki-Adi Mundi, and Aayla Secura. Commander Cody had just checked in, and Master Windu had asked him to deliver a report to the chancellor. "Master Kenobi and the 212th Battalion have engaged him on Utapau."

She perked up at the news, folding her hands on her desk. "So their efforts to hunt him down have been successful," Kayla deemed, thinking. "Have they reported whether he has been detained yet?"

"Not from what I've heard," he admitted, folding his hands in front of him. "Commander Cody's update came only minutes ago. It may be a while before he or anyone else has a chance to communicate their status again."

"I understand," she nodded, letting her gaze drift. "Where else are our attacks making gains?"

He mulled over in his head what he knew. "Master Plo Koon is launching an airstrike on Cato Neimoidia, as our defenses there have been compromised. Aayla Secura is on Felucia, and Master Yoda is on Kashyyyk. Both of them are reinforcing native troops on the ground. Part of my battalion is also laying siege to Mandalore, in hopes of capturing Maul and Barriss Offee."

Kayla paused, not remembering that last one from any other reports. "Who is leading that attack?"

"Commander Rex, along with his advisor, Ahsoka Tano."

She smiled, having been somewhat familiar with Anakin's history with her. "I suppose that will mean a long debate later, but for the better, I would say." Looking at Anakin, she told him, "I won't keep you in here if you would want to walk around. After your rescue earlier today, I imagine many people would appreciate getting to thank you for your and Master Kenobi's efforts."

Anakin bowed and walked out of the room, accepting the dismissal. He could tell the chancellor was exactly as tired of his visits as he was and let her have her space. Besides, after Palpatine had died, he didn't exactly enjoy being in that office anymore. 

He started walking in a loop around the building. As per the Council's instructions, Anakin would have to check in again in an hour, so he had an hour to talk with anyone he recognized or recognized him. Many people waved and commended him for the rescue of the chancellor, but most of them had places to be so the conversations didn't last long. 

On his fifth trip around, his comlink went off on his wrist. Ahsoka had sent him a report. He wandered off to the side of the grand hallway and took the message, turning down the volume so others wouldn't hear it. 

It was just a quick hologram recording, which meant it was probably sent to the Council as well, maybe even the Chancellor. "The siege on Mandalore has been successful. Maul is in custody and is currently being taken to Coruscant. We're about to jump to hyperspace and will be there within the next few hours. Unfortunately, Barriss Offee was not found in the city of Sundari, and Lady Kryze's sources report that she had not been seen on Mandalore for as many as two weeks. Maul claims that Miss Offee is being held hostage by Count Dooku, although no proof for her location was provided. I advise that if possible, this claim should be investigated.

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