Chapter Eight

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     Nobody's POV but with Mica and Mex

     The ride to America's estate wasn't a long one, but for Mica it felt like it took a hundred years. He hoped his states had enough time to hide away. All he wanted was for them to be safe.

     Mexico drove over a bump and Mica's head bounced against the door. He sat up and became a little dizzy. "Sorry, Mex... I'm bleeding on your seat." America chuckled in a pained way. Mexico looked back at him. "Santo cielo! I'm taking you to the hospital." Mex said, her voice wavering. "No. Take me to my house." Mex scowled at him. "What the hell is your problem? You're hurt and just keep getting worse. You need medical attention from someone who knows what they're doing!" Mexico snapped. "I just... don't want anyone to worry." Mica answered meekly. Mexico let her face soften. "If you let yourself become seriously sick, you are going to worry people even more. Let your family help you." America stared out the window.

     Secretly, he wanted to tell his family about his states. He wanted the states to know their family. Everyone that loved him deserved to know about this secret side of his life. Everytime thanksgiving came around he would sit and cry alone. He wanted his brothers and his parents to be here. Thanksgiving was a time to be together. He had his states, but he wanted to show the others this special holiday he adored. But that could never be, at least that's what he told himself.

     The car drove up the black pavement of America's estates a few minutes later. A soft breeze floated through the air, rocking the swing Alaska loved. White paneling shone bear where the flag's of his children normally flew from windows. The house was quiet, and it sickened America. He had only been a country for a couple of years when his first states showed up. His house had been a loud, rambunctious place for over 200 years. The quiet scared him, this is what it would be like if anything ever happened to them.

     Mica opened the door and pulled himself out of the car. He started to walk up the front path when his leg buckled. Mexico ran to catch him, but couldn't make it in time. America hit the ground, shoulder first. He groaned as Mex kneeled by his head. Mex mumbled curse words above him, but it all seemed really far away. The light filtered through the oak he planted when he had his first independence day. Everything seemed quiet and peaceful. Then Mexico's face floated into view. He felt her cradle his head. Her hologram disappeared revealing a green and red striped face. White braid cascading down her shoulder, marigolds pinned in her hair. He smiled. I'm sorry. His thoughts started to ramble. I didn't want to lock you out. But your so incredible and strong, and your people were abandoning you. It made you sad. I couldn't stand your tears, so I built a wall. I didn't mean to lock you out. I don't deserve your people... and you... you deserve everything. He felt warm drops hit his face. She was crying, and smiling. Then she looked up quickly, or was it slowly, he couldn't tell. Noise blurred into static, she yelled. There was another voice, a deeper one. Then there was another face. White and red entered his vision, then blue and yellow. He squinted and his vision cleared. Canada... he was here. He couldn't be here, Mica refused to let his brother see him like this. Warm liquid hit his face. What's this? Tears... who's crying? Oh... they're mine. Mica saw others too. In the background, three. He focused and recognized his daughter Mississippi. He tried to call her, but couldn't tell if any sound escaped his throat. Apparently it had. She walked up and sat down next to her father. She took his hand. "Take care of them." was all he could say before the world faded black.

Sorry if my writing style is confusing!

Updates will be a little slower from here on out.

Feel free to critic my writing, but no hate plz.

Love Ya'll!

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