Chapter Eleven

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     Canada and Ukraine: 3rd person

     Canada stood in the middle of the living room. The rug was on fire. The ceiling fan was broken in two. 'The Devil went down to Georgia' was blasting through the house. One of the states was wearing a potato suit, another was dressed as a teletubby. A small state had climbed onto Canada and was sitting on his shoulders screaming, while another one shot at him with a Nerf gun (at least I think it's a Nerf gun).

     Ukraine sprinted around a corner with a bucket of water. Dumping it on the rug, he glared at Canada. "Hey wake up! Come help me! I can't deal with them on my own." Nada snapped out of it. "Sorry!" He tried to remove the little state from his shoulder. He clinged to him. Sighing, Canada walked into the kitchen, letting the little state stay there. Ukraine yelled as he stepped on a Lego.

     "How does your brother deal with this?" He asked Nada. Canada just shrugged as he pulled the Lasagna they made out of the oven. "HIKE!" A state with a red "x" on his face yelled as he launched a football at Canada. It knocked the Lasagna out of his hands and onto the floor.

     The chaos continued as Canada just stared at the Lasagna. The seconds ticked by as he tried to repress his anger. Canada had never been an angry person. He only fought when necessary and when there were seals. But he had been pushed to the limit. "THAT'S ENOUGH!!!" He yelled. The whole house got really quiet. "I'M CALLING YOUR FATHER!!!"

     UK's POV

     I had never been a fan of Hospitals. They were a place of healing, but also a place of death. This hospital in particular smelled of cleaning agent. But every once in a while, the faint smell of sickness wafted into my nose.

     The hospitals in the States were pretty nice though. I mean it was still a hospital, there was sick people everywhere. Despite this, I found myself snuggling down into the cushioned chair and not hating the cafeteria food. The hospital bill is going to be outrageous... I found myself thinking.

     Everyone else had fallen asleep in the room. The nurses brought in a few extra chairs and blankets for the rest of the family. I myself could not bring myself to sleep. When someone in the family was hurt I worried myself to the point where I couldn't do anything else but guard them.

     I jumped as America's phone started ringing. I grabbed it quick to turn it off, I didn't want to wake anyone. Glancing at the screen I saw Canada's contact popped up requesting a video call. I accepted.

     Canada's face was super close to the screen. "America?" he asked. "No It's-" Canada ducked as several Nerf bullets soared over his head. "Canada... where are you?" I asked skeptically. "Uhh... I'm a-" Suddenly he was knocked to the ground. Yells could be heard in the background. "Get em'" and "MUTINY!" were the only things I picked out.

     I watched as a little hand picked up the phone and ran up a flight of stairs. She ran into a room and curled up around a cover. "Hi!" she exclaimed. "Who are you?" This girl had a white face with a giant gold eagle in the middle and a 'V' and a 'I' on either side of the eagle. "My name is United Kingdom. I suppose that is rather long, so just call me UK. Mind telling me yours?" The girl giggled, "Try to guess it!" I chuckled to myself. She reminded me of my kids when they were very young. They always wanted to play little games like this. Thought themselves so clever.

I decided to play along.

"Is it Abby?"


"How about Veronica?"

She laughed. "No!"



I sighed. "Well, I give up."

     "He he! I win! I'll tell you. My brothers and sisters call me Vee, but my full name is U.S. Virgin Islands. Kinda long like your name!" I froze. I didn't just hear what I thought I heard right? That's an American Territory... but... he told me his states and territories hadn't formed into people. I heard other voices earlier, does that mean there's more?

     "Vee." She hummed as to tell to continue. "Can you take the phone to Canada?" She looked at me confused for a second. Recognition lit up her face, "Oh! You mean the tall man. I don't like him, I want dad to come home."

     The girl ran down a hallway. I could see flashes of doors. Each door had a sign on it, different names on each. Most were blurry, but I caught a couple. One said Samoa, another said California, the next said Kansas. The girl leaped down the stairs. "Ari!" she said to someone. "I thought dad told us to not tie people up!" the person called 'Ari' said, "No. He told us to not to tie each other up. Plus we'll untie him when he tells us what's going on. We don't just get a new babysitter. Heck we don't get babysitters."

     I groaned. Canada... this is not your brightest moment. "Excuse me!" I said in a stern voice. "Who the heck is that?" Ari asked. He grabbed the phone out of Vee's hand. A boy with an orange star and a sunrise in the background appeared on the screen. "Who are you?" He questioned. "If I'm connecting the dots correctly. I am pretty sure I'm your grandfather." He stared at me. "Huh... not the weirdest thing that has happened today. Maple leaf over here told us he was our uncle and he will be babysitting us for a while. He didn't give any explanation to why or how this happened. Tex and Missi said to trust him, but we need answers!" I sighed. "I'll tell you. Just let Canada go, he really is your uncle." He huffed a fine and plopped down on the couch. A couple other kids gathered around to hear. "I'm at the hospital with your father right now." a couple of the kids gasped, other had worried expressions on their faces, a young girl started crying. "But don't worry, he'll be fine. He just needs to rest a little and the doctors said he'll be on crutches for a while." The kids started to calm down. "I assume he asked Canada to watch you for awhile. I need you kids to behave and help out your uncle, we don't want to worry your father." The kids nodded. "Now. I would like to talk to Canada for a minute."

The next few chapter are most likely going to be posted pretty quickly. I know exactly what I'm writing so maybe a chapter per day.

Is it weird to get excited about a story where you know what's going to happen?

Love ya'll

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