Chapter Fourteen

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     America's POV

     Things had been pretty great since my return from the hospital. The first thing I did was check the damage to the house. All I found was a broken ceiling fan and a burnt rug, frankly I expected worse. The second thing I did was sleep. Not on purpose though. I sat down to play video games with the states and dozed off only a few minutes later. When I woke up, I found a giant pile of sleeping kids. They were sprawled across the couch and floor, some even laying on top of each other. The sight made me chuckle to myself.

    I got up a few minutes later and found that it was about dinnertime. Like always, I got up to go make dinner. Leaning on my crutches, I got the chicken out of the fridge along with some broccoli. But someone took the ingredients out of my hands. "No. I'm not letting you cook. Go sit." Canada said. "I thought you guys left?" Canada looked at me guiltily. "I know you don't like people worrying about you and taking care of you, but... we're FUCKING taking care of you and you can't stop us." He said aggressively. "Ok" "America can't you just coopera... wait. Did you just agree with me?" Canada said dumbfounded. I shrugged, "Mexico said something to me while I was in the hospital. 'Let your family take over for once. Just rest'. I don't know why that stuck with me. Maybe because I want you guys to be apart of this section of my life. You deserve to know about the states. I want someone to laugh about their antics with me, now that's possible." I felt a warm smile spread across my face. Maybe... just maybe, it is finally time for change. I can't keep the states here forever, and I can have my family apart of my life. They know me as irresponsible and late to everything, I can show them that I'm a good country. No, I'll show them I'm a great country. It's kinda selfish, but maybe I deserve to have this.

     Canada beamed. "Does this mean I get to be the cool uncle on a regular basis?" I rolled my eyes at him. "Yeah. I'm sure the states would love to have you around!" I said enthusiastically. Canada whooped and jumped, bumping his head on the ceiling. "How the hell do you manage to hit your head on a 9 foot ceiling?" Canada just shrugged. "What can I say? There's nothing I can do about it."

     Laughing, I left Nada to cook and headed to my office. Despite being in recovery, I still had paperwork to do. When I opened the door I was surprised to see a large stack of paperwork neatly stacked in the 'finished' pile. Dang. Nada and Pops did my paperwork too! Thankgod. I walked over to check If it really had been completed and found colorful signatures written in crayon. I flipped through the pages and discovered that most had been signed in crayon and few in marker. Most were done incorrectly. Welp, my kids definitely got their hands on this. I'll have to head into the office tomorrow to get new copies of these, thank god for digital copies.

     I growled, aggravated with my kids but not furious. I made a mental note to handle that later and turned to sit at my desk.

     Only a few moments later does my son, NASA, slip into the room. "Hey, dad?" I perk up, "Yes son?" I reply. "I have an idea that could help you be less stressed." NASA's voice quivered nervously. "Ok, go on." "So... I was thinking and I realized... me and the military branches are organizations that are pretty well protected. If we are attacked it wouldn't effect the citizens. That being said, I thought maybe we could... show ourselves to the other nations." NASA quickly blurts out the last part of his idea. I whip my head around to look at him. "Absolutely not! I don't give a shit if your not a land mass or not, your still as important as any of my kids." I say sternly. " Dad, this would allow us to work more closely with other nations. Also we could use this to better protect the states and territories! We could take some of your work load. You won't look so tired all the time and people will be less suspicious. I'm tired of living in the dark dad! I want to help you!" I glared at him. He made a fair point. It would benefit everyone. "If I agree to this you have to do a couple of things... 1. You will carry a handgun with you always 2. You will say nothing about the other branches. They'll introduce themselves. 3. You will stay away from North Korea. Got it?" My son nodded his head. " Good. There's a meeting tomorrow. If your serious about this then be ready by 6:00."

     Nobody's POV

     America couldn't seem to rest that night. The thought of one of his enemies knowing about his kids terrified him.

     Eventually, he did sleep though. Despite his worries, the dreams were sweet and happy. This left Mica in a pleasant, yet worried mood.

     When he woke up, no one else was awake. Quickly, he started his normal morning routine. First he took a shower. Then dressed into some formal black and white attire. Once ready he went to cook breakfast for the states.

     To see America from a distance was quite amusing. Imagine 6'7 man trying to juggle a pan of eggs, while leaning on crutches. He dropped several things and had to redo 8 eggs in total.

     But eventually, the table was set and ready for every one. Mica realized he had a half an hour before anyone was awake anyway, so he sat down and watched Grey's Anatomy. He liked the show and had watched up to season 5.

     Suddenly someone grabbed America's shoulders. Mica jolted, whipping his head around. Canada stood laughing and wheezing behind him. "HAHAHAHA!!! I got you good!... Hey... are you watching Grey's Anatomy?" Canada asked. I felt my cheeks flush. "Ummm... yeah. I know it's not manly, but I..." I was interrupted as Canada flopped onto the couch next to me. "Don't worry. I like Grey's too." I laughed. "You know that doesn't surprise me one bit."

     We watched Grey's Anatomy for a few minutes. "Nada?"


     "I'm going to do something crazy today."

     "Ame... nothing is crazier than you snorting a crushed warhead."

     "Hey! That was years ago... anyway... I'm introducing NASA to the other countries."

     "What? Just yesterday you were freaking out because dad knew about your kids!"

     "NASA wants to, he wants to help out. He's growing up and deserves to be treated like an adult... he said he wants to do this to help me, but I think he is just tired of hiding. It's not fair to keep him trapped."

     "Ame... your a good dad."




Ok... I'm going to go clean something now.

Love Ya'll

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