Chapter 9 - The Horror of Allen Coldwell

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"What on earth are these people talking about!? I don't share suppressed romantic feelings towards Larence or Ryan!"

Allen exclaimed as he scrolls through the phone.

"Just where on earth did they get such ideas!? We're all straight, for goodness sake!" he says, almost choking in his own saliva.

For the whole night, Allen wasn't able to sleep—not even a single wink. After he read that oneshot, there were memories that can't be erased. It turns out that yaoi means 'boy's love', a genre that focuses on romance between men. Not only that, the characters in the story weren't just anyone. It is all about Allen being paired with Larence. Honestly, he doesn't see why they will be perfect for each other. After all, Larence hates Allen.

What's worse, he's also being paired with his sadistic traitor friend, Ryan Sullivan. Which is insane, that guy always had the intent to destroy him.

FanfictionNovels. Allen gets it now, he should have known the obvious. But he can't believe that people are shipping him with these bastards. These guys hated him to the core. He wondered if the fans are even right in the head or not. Just what gave them this kind of idea!? It's impossible for them to turn gay, Allen is perfectly sure that they are straight—all of them are. Also, imagining himself having certain relationships with them—no, just no. Seriously, if those two finds out about this, they'll definitely slit Allen's throat.

The horrible fact is, Allen can't stop reading it. These kinds of fanfictions, he read it all, that's why he wasn't able to sleep for the whole night. Why? Simple, it's because of his stupid curiosity. Right now, he wants to hit himself in the head. He's still in full disbelief, hoping to himself that this can't be true and this is just some ridiculous dream.

"Yes, that's right. I should stop. Don't let your curiosity get to you." Allen whispered. He tries to calm himself by taking deep breaths, he really doesn't want to faint right now.

But Allen's thoughts are still fresh, he couldn't stop thinking about it. This is making him feel scared.

"Yo! Mr. Allen!" someone suddenly spoke.

Allen gave out a loud yell.

Out of reflex, he jumped off from his bed and grabbed a victorian style lamp, using it as a weapon. His shoulders slumped in relief when he recognized the people in front of him.

"Oh, Az, Alicia. It's just you." the boy says, finally breathing in ease.

"You okay? You seem mumbling about being straight and stuff." Az chuckled. "Do you mind sharing it with me?"

"I mind." Allen grumbled, trying to hide the phone quickly. Unfortunately, Az's hands were fast, he was able to grab the phone from him. "Hey!" Allen exclaimed.

"Az, that's rude." Alicia stated, but her master just ignored her.

"Oh dear. I could imagine the shock." Az shook his head, definitely disappointed with himself. "I am very sorry, Mr. Allen. I haven't thought how wild your curiosity was. If only I've thought about it sooner, I would've uninstalled it." he gave out an apologetic look.

"Uninstall? What's that?" Allen asked.

"Uninstall means removing an app from a device." Az explained.

Allen tiredly nodded in response. He laid again on the bed, burying his head under the pillows. "You should've warned me about it. Now I'm scarred." he says with a despaired tone. "What am I gonna do with this knowledge? Once I find something new, I tend to dig deeper." he says gloomily, starting to emit an emo aura. "I even read all the fanfics in that app."

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