Chapter 30 - Accusations

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"Damn it. These things won't die!" Larence cursed as he defends himself from the monsters attacking.

"This is bad. No matter what I do, they keep on regenerating!" Einz cursed.

Bella jumps on the monsters and agrresively tries tear them into pieces. Unfortunately, they heal fast and they're as good as new all over again.
She cursed and turned her way to look at Rachel. "Hey, freckles. Do something about this! You're also smart!" she shouted.

"How many times do I have to tell you? I don't know! I can't find anything that could defeat these monsters. It's as if they're all indestructible!" Rachel yelled at her.

"Bullshit! I bet you're not even trying!"

"Oh shut it, you split personality freak! You're really annoying and I'm starting to prefer the goody-two-shoes Bella rather than a destructive one like you!"

"Hah!? You bitch, you wanna fight!? For your information, I'm even a better fighter than you! Right now, you're doing nothing but hide behind Larence and Einz like a pussy you are!"

"Why you-"

Before the two girls could argue any further, a bunch of monsters starts to run towards the students they were protecting. All of them tried to the students, but they won't be able to make it.

"Shit!" Larence and Bella cursed in unison.

"No!" Einz yelled, helplessly stretching out his hand towards the students.

Suddenly, someone jumped out of nowhere threw a knife towards the ground and for some unknown reason it exploded, causing the monsters to back away. As it happens, gray smoke surrounded them. Everyone weren't able to see the person who did, neither did the students. They didn't bother to know about this person who saved their lives because they all have to run for safety.

Larence and the others sighed in relief as they saw the students run and evacuate towards a safe place. As soon as they see them out of sight, they curiously looked to see if that mysterious person was still around. Unfortunately, they weren't able to move any further as soon as some monsters attempted attacking behind them.

Rachel screamed and hid behind Larence. While Einz and Bella instinctively blocked the attacks, leaving no one harmed.

"Shit, after all that explosion? These things are still alive?" Larence cursed.

"Just what on earth are these things made of?" Rachel asked, trying to hide her shaking voice.

Each one of them cursed as the monsters walked towards them, leaving them surrounded and trapped.

"Hit the red orbs! You would see them on the ground, floating near the lower parts of their bodies!" says a voice.

Bella and Larence instinctively took this person's advice. They looked for the red orb that he was talking about and destroyed it as fast as they could.

All the monsters melted. Everyone stood there in amazement.

"They all...died." Bella said. "So that means..."

"That means these red orbs are their weak spots." Larence finished the sentence for her. "Just who on earth said tha-"

Before Larence could even say more, a monster attacked behind him. Before he could slice again it's weak spot, someone already did.

"The red orbs aren't their only weakness, but also salt." the person said.

He looks up to see this individual who helped them out by telling how to kill these monsters. Their eyes widened as they recognized him.

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