Chapter 39 - Cat Troubles

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"Alicia!?" Allen exclaimed in surprise.

Ryan looked at the cat, then he faced his companions with an amused smile. "I guess this is the second time your cat landed on me..." he told Allen. Then a moment later, he felt Alicia being cuddly with him, which made his smile turn into an awkward one. "Huh. It seems that she has a strong grip. Oh dear..."

Allen may not seem like it, but he couldn't help but feel embarrassed at the entire situation. 'Alicia, stoooop!!!' he exclaimed in his thoughts. For some reason, he really is flustered at what she's doing right now.

'Allen, help! I feel hypnotized by the scent of catnip on him! Pull me away! I'm freakin' embarrassed right now for this disgraceful act!!! He literally smelled like one! Did he bathe in a fountain of catnips or something!?' Alicia told Allen telepathically.

At that moment, Allen realized that Alicia is in her cat form, so it makes sense that she would suddenly react to the scent.

Meanwhile, Ryan seems to be nervous when he's holding the cat. It's as if he's scared that it might die any second now. Allen noticed this, but he disregarded it because he focused more in getting Alicia out from the boy's grip.

'Alicia! Get your grip away from him! Remove your claws from his clothes!' Allen told Alicia in the mind link.

From afar, Felix was able to sniff something. This made him look at Ryan curiously. "You smell like catnip, just what place did you even go?" he asked.

Ryan paused, and thought for a while, trying to recall the past events. "Well, before I went to school, a servant was passing by, carrying a load of catnips on her arms. I remember crashing onto her and got buried by them. I assume that it might be probably where I got the scent from." he stated as he tries to pull Alicia away from him. For some reason, he's unsure about where to touch the cat, because he feared he might accidentally hurt it or something. Though he didn't let that fear show and just pretended to be calm about it. A moment later, he could feel that his clothes are in danger right now by those sharp things.

"Alicia! Let go of him!" Allen exclaimed in fear. "You're better than this! Don't throw away your pride for this degenerate!" he encouraged.

Ryan looked at him weirdly, but he's also amused. "Ouch. My dear friend, I am deeply wounded by your words." he smiled with a hint of sarcasm in his tone. Then later on his expression changed into something in wonder. "And... you do realize that's a cat you're talking to?"

This time, Az went to aid them, also trying to pull Alicia away from Ryan.

"Alicia! You embarrassment of a creature to society! Fight the scent! You can do it!!! Do it for your honor! Your reputation!" Az encouraged as well, completely ignoring what Ryan just said.

Allen nodded in agreement, looking at Alicia in pure determination. "Yes! Just as Az said! After all we've been through, you cannot tarnish your name! Do not disappoint your ancestors! Also, hands off him! He's dirty!" he yelled, looking very scary right now. Everyone could feel him fired up at this situation.

"Hm." Ryan kinda took offense on that. So he let out a hum, then he looked at Alicia who's in his arms. "I guess you would have to try your best, little one. Fighting!" he said, also playing along. "Also, I'm pretty sure their clothes are more fun to tear off with those sharp claws of yours. So please get off of me." he added with a chuckle.

'I don't want to tear anybody's clothes!' Alicia exclaimed in her thoughts.

Meanwhile, Felix rose a brow, looking at them weirdly. "You do know that's a cat you're talking to, right? Don't tell me that you're expecting it to understand you?" he said.

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