Chapter 3: Jia

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The next morning showed no change at the death berry boils on my arm. I reapplied salve to the burning skin and wrapped it back up. The elderberry and mandarin orange spots were reddened with an anxious color, so I rinsed them off and put the two fruits in the no category. The mushroom which I was originally worried the most about was still going strong.

I had to choose which fruit to continue with because now they had to have days individually. While I was most looking forward to the rambutan, I figured I better go potato next because it was the largest patch and close to the truck.

I dug another up and rubbed the inside against my lip. Then I think tomorrow I hold a piece in my mouth, but don't eat and the day after I can eat a single bite if I still feel well. I looked at the potato with worry. At least I thought those were the steps. I really wish I had the internet on my phone right now to check for sure.

Making up an oatmeal breakfast from my cooker, hoping for a more filling breakfast today, I was down to ten water bottles. Today's main priority would be water. And definitely not deathberry water variety. If I needed to go far, I'd need the energy.

I had dumped the rest of the deathberry water but was really counting on being able to reuse the bottles with a good rinse. That was left to be determined though.

After a quick tidy to my food kit, I placed supplies in my purse and started down the mountain. Water runs down, so that's the best way to check. And from day one's hike I seem to remember a lake. I grabbed my walking stick and again made sure to press a trail behind me. Today I'd take a good hike. I'd imagine I could go three hours in this direction, might take me five back up, so I would have to be careful with my energy.

About forty minutes into my hike, I wondered about my family back home. Would they have realized I was gone by now? Would my farm animals be taken care of? I had a friend coming over, tomorrow I guess it would be, to post a video on solar ovens... Oh dang I wish I had my solar oven with me! A look up to the sky shown the bright yellow ball. I wondered if that was even my sun or a completely different solar system.


My head shot up at the sound. Was that a person!? Did I imagine it? I stopped to listen again but this time I heard that same scary bird screeching I'd heard before, though it sounded awfully close this time.

"Help! Help me! Anybody!"

It was a woman's voice!

"I'm coming!" I yelled back in shock, trying to track the sound.

Just then a large shadow passed over head and I turned to the sky just in time to catch four long lizard like tails with a club at each end passing behind the treetops. The screech sounded again and this time I had to cover my ears the roar was so consuming.

"Is someone there?" The voice yelled.

I started running again. "Yes! I'm coming! Where are you?"

"It's seen me!"

I darted around trying to follow her voice. "What has?!"

"A dragon!"

My footfall faltered for a step, and I looked back to the sky. "A dragon?" I tried to clarify.


I kept running and another shriek waved over the area from the beast, and I heard the wings whip into nearby trees.

I called out, "where are you?!"

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