Chapter 6: Brave Young Warrior

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My bags were immediately dropped and I spun the rifle from my back. "Where are you A-Hole!?" I screamed to the sky. My scope darted around to find the pterodactyl creature. It would be no warning shot this time. Momentarily my hand left the rifle to press against my jeans pocket, checking it still had a bounty of extra bullets. "You're dead."

Its shriek sounded from somewhere over the trees and I twisted a quick motion to it.

Suddenly it was flying overhead, circling something further down the bank. But it put it perfectly in my sight.

I aimed at the deadly creature. The crosshairs following its flight and when my shot lined up at its eye, I breathed out and pressed the trigger.


But its flight took him a swerve away and only a head antenna was blown off. With a shriek of pain the creature twisted in air and instead scanned for me.

When yellowed eyes found me, I put two more bullets in its neck.


It flapped great wings and flattened into a dive straight at me. My own scream of horror filled the area and I ran the paces back to the tree line disappearing into the forest.

The monster then released its dive, wings out wide to stop the air flow. Two more bullets were blasted into its wings. The howl it shrieked, vibrated the area. Then it clutched into the large tree I once used as a lookout.


I took the time it situated itself, climbing over breaking branches to quickly reload, screaming a dozen profanities at the beast.

It climbed through the trees as my feet took me backwards, the last bullet being loaded into the barrel. But as my eyes flitted back to the dragon and it hopped trees closer and closer, my heel caught some root and pushed me to fall to the greenery below.

The rifle was lifted to my eye and another bullet was cut into the slim neck. Its roar sent to the heavens had my ears begging to be covered, but instead a thunderous bullet was lodged in its right eye. 


As it writhed in pain, its long neck twisting around like a ballerina, I got to my feet and aimed again.  But a deep man's battle cry from behind me, stopped my finger from releasing the next shot.

I only flipped around halfway before a towering titan of a man was running past me, two daggers clenched in hands. My heart skidded in shock as my eyes followed his trajectory.

He leapt at the monster, tight muscles of his bare back flexing in ready for the collision. Another cry of battle sounded from his lips as the daggers slit down the monster's side fileting it like a steak.

My hands could not close around the trigger again. My shock too robust.

The beast's wings opened, sending the man flying back twenty feet. He hit against a tree but got right back up and raced back. Another jump sent his leap to the monster's neck and the snapping head rolled to the ground.

He straightened and tossed a dagger at blinding speeds, it disappearing and reappearing in the dragon's cheek, pinning it to the earth bellow.

The whole attack lasted only seconds.

Then he turned slowly back, dreary eyes meeting mine.

The towering man was nearly seven feet tall and all bulging muscles. His hair was dark and cut long skimming his smooth angled jaw. Brows watching me with the same intensity as I was watching him. Very lovely rich tan color. Shirtless and barefoot, but wearing simple leather pants, with a fur pack hanging to his hip. Stomach raw with some deep gash and body littered with cuts. The entire picture of him was genuinely mouthwateringly handsome, but with the dagger still held in one hand entirely too deadly.

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