Chapter 29: Hot

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I groaned the sleep away and opened my eyes to the sun rising over the treetops below, my back warmed from being pressed against Thann all night.

Smiling at the lovely sight, I twisted on our high branch to see him. "Morning."

"El," he grinned and threaded his fingers through my hair. It was probably a tangled mess after another night in a tree.

I pressed it down. "You should really let me at least put it in a braid. Or buy me a brush."

"El. Hot."

"Hot?" I giggled with sleepiness still pressed around me. "What's hot? My hair?" I threaded my own fingers down a lock, but it felt fine to me.

"El," he beamed wide, a happiness that took his entire body. "Baby hot."

"Baby hot?" I wondered. "What do you mean baby hot?"

"Baby hot! Baby hot!" He sat forward in excitement.

My voice turned to a little seductive teasing. "Oh yeah, is your baby so hot? I sure am, Sexy."

Thann leaned forward and pressed his hand low on my abdomen, just under my belly button. He looked over his hand and smiled fondly. "Baby hot," he sighed in a joyful breath.

"Get your hands away. Not in a tree Thor," I playfully smacked his hand away from where I was sure his naughty fingers were headed and leaned in for a kiss.

He kissed me back with passion, scooting me forward against him, hands holding my back steady.

He then broke away and leaned his head back against the tree trunk, eyes closing in his grin. Happy. Thann happy.

I kissed his cheek. "Me too Big Guy. So what do you say we get some breakfast and then back on the road? Eat. Walk?"

His head dashed back up, eyes worried. "Walk? No walk. Hurt baby."

"Hurt baby?" I asked confused. How could a walk hurt baby. What baby? I already told him I couldn't get pregnant. Molly and Mathe's kids would hurt? "I don't understand."

"No El hurt baby."

Oh. This was about the implant again. I poked at the rod. "I know. I'm sorry. I didn't think I'd need to get pregnant to save a dying race. I mean, who really thinks about that when they buy birth control?" I chuckled to myself. "Anyway, I'm hungry. Can we eat?"

He nodded and I scooted back on the branch and leaned my body down to the next level to start my descent.

"Cha!" He yelled and I glanced to him. It was his word for No.

"What'd I do?"

"El no hurt."

I looked around for what branch was going to stab me, when instead I was swept up into his arms.

"Oh!" I laughed and then smiled at his beautiful eyes. I held around his neck. "Okay, sure. I wouldn't mind an elevator," I snickered. We were pretty high up.

He kissed my cheek and then painstakingly climbed down making sure not a single branch even got close to touching me.

He hopped down the last few feet but still carried me over to our things.

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