chapter twenty-five

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"Are you sure its not poisoned?"

Instead of Mawra, it was Ibrahim who glared at Ahil today.

The poor guy gulped nervously whilst faking a smile to his brother-in-law and took a spoonful of biriyani near his mouth, praying for his taste buds but to his utmost shock and surprise, it was nothing like he has expected it to be.

"How did this happen?" Ahil's eyes shone proudly as he took another spoon, his sister's cooking skills has changed drastically for good. He has never imagined this day to be possible. Mawra has always been a terrible cook.

Ibrahim smiled at his wife, a very proud smile which got her blushing furiously, "I learnt. I have always been determined to learn cooking anyway. It was ammi who never let me step in the kitchen."

"Masha Allah, Mawra. It's so delicious, I can't believe it's you, who has cooked this. Wait till everyone eats." Ahil praised her whole heartily, making his sister flutter in happiness.

Ibrahim cleared his throat, "where's mine?", "let everyone come," Mawra replied as she looked upstairs, where loud scolding was heard.

Both their sets of parents were currently lecturing both Ameen and Mahira, for their foolishness. Ahil's face changed colours as he remembered what his little sister did, he was beyond furious at her, for breaking the family's trust and for failing her important exams.

"I couldn't believe my eyes as the results were loading. I was like, did I enter the correct hall ticket number or not?" Ahil sighed in disappointment, Mawra had no idea what to say.

"They're here," Ibrahim said with anticipation, as he saw the parents coming downstairs followed his sister-in-law and brother, whose faces were sullen and grumpy.

"You guys were taking so long to come down, so I prepared the lunch." Mawra grinned at her mother, who stared at her wide eyed, "my kitchen?" was the first thing she could worry about.

"Ammi!" She whined at her mother's faith in her, with a cute pout making Ibrahim chuckle. He began to wonder, how worse she must have cooked to get such epic reactions.

"No Rashidha, my daughter-in-law has improved a lot. Just taste it." Salika beamed at her, "thank you, auntie." Mawra's smile widened at the compliment.

Rashidha and Akram passed a happy smile to each other, seeing the rapport their daughter shared with her in-laws.

"Of course, She learnt from the best cook herself." Usmaan sat on the table beside his wife, with a happy smile, making his wife blush slightly.

"Ahem." Ibrahim cleared his throat snapping his parent's little moment. But Masha Allah, the love they share even after all these years is so admirable and he'll strive hard to be like that one day. His eyes automatically search for his wife's face, who turned to look at him at the same moment.

Their eyes were locked, grey against brown. Her cheeks turned the deepest shade of red as he kept on staring at her intensely. It was Ahil's turn to clear his throat, which snapped them out of their moment. They looked away, embarrassedly.

"Let's eat." Ahil teased but it was abruptly broken by Mahira's voice, "I'm not hungry." she left from there, grabbing all the attention on her.

"Let her be," Rashidha spoke sternly and there was an awkward silence for a second.

"Ameen is still in college, and he needs to prove himself worthy to get married to Mahi, and she should be passing her supplementary exam first. Until then, they are not allowed to talk or even message each other. If they chose to disobey, I'll be taking strict actions." Akram added with a thoughtful look on his face, Ameen shifted uncomfortably in his place but didn't say much.

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