chapter eleven

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Ibrahim frowned at his mobile irritably when his driver's voice snapped him out of his thoughts, "sir... We've reached." The frown on his face deepened as he eyed the time and nodded at the driver.

"Sorry for making you stay so late at night, Ali bhai. You can take an off tomorrow." the driver sighed inwardly, thankful for the offer. His wife was going to kill him for coming back home so late at night. He also wondered how'd his boss' new wife react to see him working till late at night. It wasn't his business but still, he was curious.

"Thank you, sir." Ibrahim nodded his head whilst suppressing a yawn and got down from the car.

It has been a week since he got married, he stayed back home for five days but his precious office couldn't survive anymore without him, hence he had joined back two days ago, and an issue at the office was driving him nuts. Which also made him kind of regret the two and half weeks break that he took for his marriage.

The word marriage brings a wide smile to his face, making him forget everything for a while.

Being a married man was not very different but only a few changes were made in his routine and now, he had a new person to look after. A new responsibility on his shoulders, which Ibrahim was sure that he can manage. He and she were still in the getting to know each other phase and he was okay with that. They both have mutually agreed to take it slow.

He did marry to be a young father, but Mawra was scared regarding that big step, and he told her it was okay. He can wait. And he will.

Ibrahim was welcomed with silence and darkness as he opened his bedroom door, confusion washed over his face, "Mawra?" he called her name, as he looked into the bathroom and then in the closet, but she was nowhere to be found.

The frown on his face was replaced with a grin as he guessed where she could be, with a shake of his head, he walked towards the library which was on the same floor as his room; very convenient for her. He once heard Mawra mumble to him that the library was her favourite place in the whole house.

Just as he has guessed, the lights in the library were on. But there was complete silence, as he walked in and his breath hitched for a second at the sight in front of him. He had no idea that seeing someone sleep with a book in one hand could be that cute until he saw his wife doing that.

Mawra looked so breathtakingly cute as she held the book tight in her hands even in her sleep, while her body laid on the bean bag, uncomfortably. He took slow steps towards her and bent down to her level. And just gazed at her sleeping face lazily.

Her hair was made in a messy bun, lips pouted cutely and her face had no makeup on. All of this added more to her cuteness. She was so beautiful even when sleeping!

A smile etched on his lips as he continued eyeing her. In the past week, if there is anything interesting which he has learned about her, that would be her sleeping habit. Mawra sleeps like a log. No jokes. Even if an earthquake comes, she'd still be sleeping. He didn't want to exaggerate but it is what it is.

Slowly after taking away the book; The Enemy by Sarah Adams. Ibrahim leaned in to pick her up in his arms, she didn't even flinch nor had any idea of what was happening around her. As he said, she sleeps like a log.

Mawra didn't weigh that much. She was easy to carry. He turned around, as he switched off the lights and fan and gazed down at her sleeping face.

Ibrahim carried her to his room, carefully. Her hair smelled like jasmine and he smiled at that observation.

After placing her on the right side of the bed, he gazed at her adoringly for a moment and then walked into the closet and changed into his nightdress. Ibrahim was too tired for a shower at that time, not caring about throwing his dress in the laundry bag, he strode to his bed and sighed contently as the mattress hits his tired body.

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