chapter four

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Mawra was bemused.

"You're not kidding, are you?" she finally asked him after a minute of staying still and staring at him in disbelief.

"Look, I'm surprised too. But why not? You and I know each other for two years, and its better than marrying an unknown stranger. " Ibrahim shrugged. While driving to this place, he totally didn't expect to say yes to the proposal, not instantly at least. But then he knows Mawra for two years long and now there is no valid reason for him to say no. All his irritation regarding the marriage topic surprisingly vanished the moment he saw her.

"You're really serious." her facial reaction was so priceless. Even he, the ever serious guy wanted to laugh at her baffled expression. The idea of getting married to her actually didn't seem to bother him as much as it was bothering her and he could understand why.

"I'm not forcing you or something, its totally your call, Mawra. Say yes or no. I'm okay with both." Ibrahim added with a small smile, and Mawra's heart stopped beating for a second there. She has never seen him smile before. But good god, he looked so attractive. But then looked away instantly when she realized that she has been gawking at him for way too long. She hoped that he didn't notice it, too bad he did. He fought away another smile.

"I need t-time." did she actually stutter? Both of them were surprised at that, unable to handle the tension anymore, Mawra got up from the dining table and walked away from there. The family looked at the scenario with amusement and exchanged a knowing look to each other.

Their brothers on the other hand exchanged numbers and started shipping these two, already. They were sure that Mawra and Ibrahim would get married.

The lunch, on the other hand, went on smoothly with Mawra refusing to join the table, her mother left her room after giving her one deathly glare. She knew that she'll get an earful after they'd leave but going down there and having that awkward lunch is not very appealing for her.


"You're getting married and didn't even inform me?" Mahira barged into her elder sister's room and accused her angrily. She was in school during that time and was very angry when she found out the news.

Mawra gave her an annoyed look, "who said that I'm getting married? They just came to see me. That's all."

"Oh? But Ahil was telling me something else. He was sure that you're going to marry jeeju." Mahira wondered loudly.

"First of all, he's not your jeeju. Second of all, I'm going to kill that donkey. Where is he?" Mawra threw a pillow at her younger sister and strode out of her bedroom with annoyance. Why are her siblings so annoying? She thought with a frown.

"Ammi, Mawra is hitting me," Mahira yelled dramatically, as she ran downstairs.

"Mawra. Stop hitting your sister." came Rashidha's equally dramatic reply.

"It was a pillow for god sake. Stop overreacting, you drama queen." Mawra yelled from Ahil's bedroom whilst glaring at her younger brother.

"What do you want? I'm busy, Mawra." Ahil asked as he played GTA on his mobile. She cringed at his messy room, her eyes couldn't stand the sight any longer. But continued glaring at him, "why are you spreading false news to Mahi?"

"I was telling the truth, anyway. You're going to marry him." Ahil replied whilst continuing to play. He was only twenty-three years old, just a year younger than her and they both were pretty close as they grew up.

"How can you be so sure?" Mawra asked with a sigh, as she joined him on his messy bed, in the leftover space.

"Marrying a known person is way better than marrying a stranger, isn't it?" She didn't see it that way though.

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