Chapter 18🥀Pictures

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When you're too lazy to look for a song :(


I wake up and the first thing I notice is the beautiful brunette lying in my arms.

She looks so innocent and perfect. I can feel every thud of her heart beat and it's oddly... soothing.

I place my lips on her temple and smirk against her skin. I've been avoiding her for the last two months, yet here I am.

I pick up my phone from the nightstand and check the time.

9:00 am

I need to get to the office. I slowly and quietly untangle myself from Chicago careful not to wake her.

I then head for the bathroom and hit the shower. I get out five minutes later with a towel wrapped around my torso.

I pass by Chicago and she's still asleep on my bed. I head for the walk in closet and come out fifteen minutes later dressed in a navy blue Armani suit.

I look at myself in the mirror and head back to bathroom. I shave my two-month beard and leave it as stubble.

I kiss Chicago's temple and head for the kitchen.

I find Tamika making Chicago's breakfast. She hands me a cup of coffee and goes back to what she was doing. Once she's done she leaves the kitchen hurriedly.

I had fired Ellen once I found she was spying on me for my father.

My father had gotten on to her. He had offered her a very large amount of money in exchange she was to tell him everything that happened in the mansion.

Chad saw them that night Chicago blacked out at his mansion. He immediately told me and I confronted her.

She confessed and begged me not to fire her but the damage had already been done.

I should have seen this coming.

Once I finish my coffee I head for the garage. I pick my green Audi and drive myself to work.

"How was London." Alex asks once I enter the floor to my office.

"Morning to you too Alex."

He chuckles.

I look back at him and bump into someone.

"How was London."

"Morning to you too Jean."

She folds her hands on her chest while maintaining direct eye contact.

"You didn't say you were back."

"You're not the boss of me."

She rolls her eyes and hits me on my left arm.

"Do you know how hard it has been. I had to convince father the 'business trip' you went to was beneficial to the company. Jayda has been a pain in th-"

I watch Jean in confusion as she stops talking and stares weirdly at my neck.

"Is that a hickey ?!"

I can hear the shock and amusement in her voice. I hadn't noticed it while getting ready in the morning.

I see Alex walking to where we're standing and a wide grin sprawls on his face.

"Dean Weston Hughes, aren't you way past for those. I don't think people at twenty eight still get hickeys." He says.

I push Jean out of my way and head for my office door. Rachel stands up and greets me in shock but I ignore her. I lock the door and just stand there.

I trace my finger to where Jean was staring at.

Did Chicago just mark me ?

I chuckle.


The day goes on as usual. I get an e-mail from Frobes about a photoshoot. I call Rachel from the intercom and instruct her to book me a day for the shoot.

Once I'm done talking to Rachel, I see Chad walk in. He's holding a brown envelope together with a blue folder.

"Is there a problem ?" I ask him.

He sits down on the chair right on the other side of my desk.

"Sir I have some news."

I watch him quietly as he places a dozen pictures on my desk. He the hands me the folder and starts to explain himself.

"Sir, a month ago as I was following Ms.Brook as per your instructions, I saw her bump into Ms.Meghan Pier. Ms.Pier had little boy with him."

Chad hands me a picture of Chicago entering a store, Meghan exiting her car with a little boy, Chicago and Meghan bumping into each other and Meghan running to her car.

"Sir... the boy's name is Erick... Erick Hughes. He's six years old."

Chad hands me a zoomed in picture of Erick and I stare at it while in a daze.

"Am I the father ?"

"Sir I cannot answer that by just looking at him. We need to do a DNA test."

I run my fingers through my hair.

This can't be happening. I can't have a son with Meghan. She cheated on me with the last person I would have suspected.

She broke my trust !

"How soon can we do the DNA test ?"

"Sir, for a DNA test to be conducted we would need both your DNAs. We don't have the kid's DNA."

I stare at Chad and he stares back.

"Okay. I'll get Meghan to give it to me. You can now go. Thank you."

Chad nods a welcome and exits my office.

My phone starts ringing. I pick it up without checking the caller ID and throw it against the wall.

I watch is shutter.

I walk out of my office and instruct Rachel to cancel all my meetings.

"...but sir, you have two meetings with very important investors."

"Postpone all of them."

As I ride the elevator all I can think of is how am I going to explain to Chicago that Meghan and I might have a son.

Just when I thought everything was going great.

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