Chapter 53🥀Dark

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🎶Listen to Black and White by Niall Horan🎵


I look at myself in the mirror as I'm brushing my teeth.

It has been a week since Wes got discharged from the hospital and I would be lying if I say things are back to normal...

...because the truth is...

...they're not.

I moved into Wes' room so that I can look after him even though Dr.Carla assigned a live-in nurse, Jay who takes care of him. He stays at the mansion with us.

Jean is now temporarily in charge of the company, as per Wes' instructions because he's still on bed rest. By doing so, Jean and Alex had to postpone their wedding date.

Wes also lifted the dumb rule that females can't be at the directors board and by doing this he widened the drift between him and his father. But I think the draft had already widened when Meghan moved in with Wes' father. Apparently, they're are now together.

Disgusting... Right ?

On a positive note Wes talks to his mom. Though their relationship is not a hundred percent perfect, but they're trying.

As for the penthouse, I haven't been able to go back there to get my things. Chad is the one who brought them. I just couldn't handle going back there.

Logan signed me up for therapy, which I willingly go to, so that I can recover mentally from the trauma.

When I walk out of the bathroom I see Wes seated on the bed watching something on his iPad.

Ever since the coma he has been quiet and distant. Especially when he learned the reason why Serenity did all that she did is because she loved him.

On my point of view it was more of an obsession and lust rather than love.

"All done ?" Wes asks me once I reach the bed.

This has been our routine for the last one week. He has been waiting for me to finish up whatever it is I'm doing so we can go to bed together.

I nod a yes and get inside the covers. He puts away his iPad and turns off the lights. He pulls me to his chest and we cuddle to sleep.

* 4 months later *

" Ms.Brook... we're here. "

Edward announces while looking at me through the rear view mirror.

I smile in response and walk out of the Wes' lamborghini. Edward follows suit then hands the car keys to the valet.

I stand there looking up at the four hundred and eighty seven ft tall hotel. From all the hotels in New York, Wes had to choose the world's tallest to hold my birthday party.

I chuckle to myself.

Pffft... Show off !


" Welcome to the Hilton Mid Town Hotel." The lady at the lobby says while smiling at us.

"You must be Ms.Brook. Let me show you to your floor."

Of course he would hire a whole fucking floor !

Edward and I are lead to a private elevator where the lady rides with us to the fourty seventh floor.

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