Chapter 44🥀Faded

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"I have something to tell you. It's about Dean Hughes and you are not going to like it..."

I go into a complete daze.

"...yeah..." I say in a hoarse voice.

"Your laptop finally turned on but there's nothing on it." I hear Logan say.

"What do you mean there's nothing on it ?" I ask.

He goes quite for a while but finally talks." There's nothing on it. Nada. Zilch. All of it was deleted manually. Someone played a stupid joke on you."

That wasn't a stupid joke. It was a sick joke.

"Did you check its internal memory for any backed up data ?" I finally ask after what seems to be hours.

"There's nothing Chi..."

It's Meghan. I know it's Meghan.

"...hey Chicago, I'm sending you an article right now. Can you check it out." Logan tells me and I nod in response though I know he won't see.

My phone buzzes and I open the three page article Logan just sent and start reading through it.

"Dean Hughes just got named the youngest C.E.O by Forbes..." Logan explains as I read.

"...I did a little research and saw that one of the requirements to win the competition is an autobiography which they use to analyze you as a person."

I go pale.

"...I know you were writing for Dean-Wes... whatever his name is. I know you were his ghost writer Chi..."

It then hits me... Wes deleted the damn book from my laptop and took the only copy.

My knees go weak and I sit down. I end my call with Logan and just sit there.

After a while I feel warm tears fall down my cheeks. I felt so low right now.

It was a lie. All this was a lie. A game.

I felt sick to my stomach.

My soft cries suddenly turn into ugly sobs.

Why was he even keeping me here. I closed my eyes slightly and shook my head at my stupidity.

As I was busy crying, the doors to my room burst open and Wes and Jean rush in.

Wes looks at me on the floor and comes to hold me but I move away. His grey glittering eyes turned a stormy black.

I feel a familiar anger crawl up my spine.

"Chicago... what's wrong ?" He asks.

I gather all my strength and stand up from the floor.

Wes follows me suit. Once I'm up that's when I notice I'm still in my white bath robe.

That explains why I'm so cold.

I then turn to face Wes."You deleted the book and lied about it ! You made me think I lost it.

You made me re-do seven month's work all over again. I've been working my ass off for nothing.

You keep lying and lying and lying." I stab him with my index finger as I speak with clenched teeth.

" that why you took me to the Bahamas... so you could steal the book from me... so you could win that Forbes competition...? Well...
good for you because you got what you wanted... the company !"

I wait for him to say something but he doesn't. I turn and head for my closet.

I put on a loose white t-shirt, blue jeans and boots. I then take out my bag and pack as many clothes as I can get my hands to.

"What are you doing ?"

I turn to see Wes standing behind me.

"What does it look like am doing Wes... I'm leaving !" I shout at him.

"You can't leave me..." He pleads.

"I'm not leaving you because technically... we're not together...!  I'm your writer... but not anymore." I say through clenched teeth. I hear the blood pump in my ears, and I know that my expression was growing steadily darker.

I turn my back to him and continue packing. Once I'm done I zip up the bag and walk out of my closet.

I head for my bed and pick up my purse. I then head for the door but Jean is blocking the way.

"I didn't mean for what happened to happened." I hear Wes say behind me.

"But it did !" I answer without a single look at him.

I then turn to face him. "Do you remember when we were at the Bahamas... I had two wishes left. I still have two wishes left.

Well... my second wish is... don't you dare come after me Wes."

I turn to leave but Jean blocks my way.

"You can't leave Chicago... you have to listen at whatever it is he has to say." Jean says in a low voice.

"No disrespect Jean but your words are shit !" I say while pushing myself past her.

I head for the garage.

Once I'm there I get inside my car and drive away without a single look behind.

The minute fresh air whipped around me I felt free from tension and dark promises. I inhale deeply, the light-headed feeling I always had around Wes faded.

"We'll be alright." I whisper to my flat belly while gently rubbing it. I don't even know when I stopped crying.

All hopes of me and Wes ever being together... faded.


I arrive at Wes' penthouse two hours later.

I know it's a bad idea being here but I have nowhere to go. I'm lucky the guard at the lobby allowed me up.

As for the code, I remembered it from the last time we were here.

I place my bag on the living room couch and head to the kitchen.

I'm starving like crazy.

I make myself a quick meal. Once I'm done I turn on my phone to call  Logan.

I hadn't even noticed it had gone off. I get a dozen notifications and missed calls from Wes and Jean but I ignore all of them and search for Logan's contact details.

I call and tell him my location and he arrives thirty minutes later.

The first thing he does is hug me and I break down once again. Logan tries to calm me down but I cry even harder.

"I'm pregnant." I mutter between sobs and I feel his body go stiff.


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