Who needs Magic?

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"All right class, remember you have a minor test tomorrow so be sure to brush up on your history of Konoha, I'm talking to you Naruto" Iruka said, he grabbed his items and walked out the class.

The classroom got rowdy, the loud ones were being louder than ever, probably because they assumed they would fail tomorrows test.

He, however didn't care, he had reread all history books the moment he learnt where the library was.

With his bag in hand he marched out of the classroom.

If anything being in this scenario was somewhat embarrassing, he was used to killing Titans on the daily, fearing for his life at every second, never forgetting that adrenaline rush.

Now? Tch, now he had to help these ignorant, helpless, snot nosed brats learn who build the village.

Not that he cared, when he awoke in this world he expected things to be different and hopefully peaceful.

Turns out he doesn't know if this situation is better or worse.

Train to fight Titans or train to fight Magical Ninjas, see? He didn't know which was worse.

Probably this life, at least titans couldn't suddenly call on a ball of fire, or duplicate themselves over fifty times, or lock you in an illusion that you believed was real.

Yeah, perhaps the titans weren't looking as bad as he thought.

"Teme! Your not better than me!" The local loudmouth yelled.

Levi had rolled his eyes and marched on to his apartment.

Yes he had an apartment, 5 years old or not he refused to stay with some woman who was using him for money.

He's young not stupid, then again he isn't even that, not with the memories of his past intact.

Truth be told, Levi wanted nothing to do with the Ninjas. He couldn't care less about them, the village or the 'will of fire' as the Hokage repeatedly told the generation he was apart of.

The amount of times he had heard of the will of fire only made it tempting to shove his head into actual fire.

Levi was many things, rude, blunt, strong, short..... ignore that last one.

Anyways, he was many things, but stupid was not one of them. He knew what being a Ninja would mean.

Life risking missions, and death, whether it was his or his opponents would be left up to skill and time.

He wanted to avoid that, it just reminded him of his previous life, the only difference was his opponents weren't well over 50 feet tall, and could all very easily fight back.

Titans were simple and had a system, they ran slower at night, were very predictable in their movements and the only thing you had to fear was if there were too many of them... like how he died.

He was overwhelmed.

Ninjas on the other hand are so much worse, it doesn't matter about what time of day it is they can still move with relative ease. Not all were predictable, infact most had a unique style of attack, and one of them would be more than enough to kill, or at least do some serious damage, but if there were a lot, well... let's not think about that.

In other words, unless you have some kind of godly armor that could protect you from anything, (cough, Naruto's plot Armour, cough) then all were doomed to die or come very, very close with death.

However, this somewhat works in Levi's favour as he had held hands with death so many times by this point of his life that he genuinely couldn't care less if someone was out to kill him.

I don't need Magic to killWhere stories live. Discover now