pt 1: Chunin Exams

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Teams of 4.

Because of Hange in Suna's team and another team from Kumo the Chunin exams had to be taken in teams of 4.

This was also happening because team 5 was recommended to take the exams, but having a team of only Medic nins would be dangerous. So 1 member from team 5 was placed into team 7, 8 and 10.

Now obviously some teams are still going to have 3 members, but honestly Team 7 just considered themselves unlucky.

Naruto, Sasuke and Levi all worked very well together, they faught along side eachother enough to understand how each of them think, making attack plans easy to create on the spot.

However once again Team 7 had been landed with Sakura, honestly they were silently praising their luck.

Team 8 had landed with Sazuki, which was severely unlucky due to the way the guy acts around Hinata.

If they had to say, Team 10 probably got the easiest member of Team 5 to deal with, Lowell. He was annoying in his own way but not like Sazuki. Lowell was quiet, ridiculously so. He was also intelligent, so if you had nothing to say that would be of interest he wouldn't listen. The guy had snow white hair and blood red eyes, so his gaze alone was disturbing to see.

So again Team 7 was thanking their luck as Sakura had actually grown to be more reasonable over the last week.

No one understood the sudden change, but Levi just assumed that she took his words to heart.

The four walked into the academy, and up two flights of stairs, before coming to a massive hall that held a lot of Genin. Sasuke looked and saw it said 3rd floor, but only sighed at the Genjutsu.

Levi looked at his team.

"So.. do we just.. ya'know go past em? Or..." Naruto started. He wasn't as stupid as people liked to think he was, and after having years of Levi pound common sense into his head... well, let's just say that being too stupid ended up hurting.


"I agree, the more brats that get trapped here the less people we have to deal with later, I suggest we keep moving silently" Levi said.

"There is a second flight of Stairs, over there, I memorized to academy layout years ago" Sakura said pointing to a direction.

Levi nodded and let her lead the way as Team 7 had walked past the crowd.

They ignored everything that happened around them, from the boy in the green Spandex getting thrown to the ground, to the very familiar looking boy with Pale eyes glaring at them as they went around.

Levi looked back and caught eye contact with the pale eyed boy as a memory flashed infront of him.

"Tch, if your not going to train leave, your presence is distracting"

Ah, the Hyuga. It's been a while since Levi saw him and honestly it was for the better, but if the glare he was receiving told him anything, it was that the Hyuha didn't forget him.

Heading down the hall to room 302 Team 7 came across Kakashi.

"Tch, old tucker what are you doing here?" Levi asked.

"Aww, am I not allowed to see my students off?" He asked giving a light pout.

"It's kinda weird Sensei" Naruto spoke up.

"Tch forget him. When we get inside stay quiet, we don't want attention from others." Levi demanded.

All three nodded and headed inside leaving Kakashi alone outside. He shook his head and walked off muttering about his grouchy students.

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