New discovery

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Levi was reading peacefully in the living room, both Naruto and Sasuke were out giving him the quiet time he so desired.

A nice cup of tea to his side he decided to look more into the whole Jutsu/ Magic crap.

Even if he wasn't going to use it, having knowledge on what others could do would be an advantage in its own right.

Two more years until they all Graduate, he needed some kind of trick up his sleeve, and as determined as he is to avoid the use of Jutsu's maybe there is something that could still help him without pushing past the boundaries of insanity.

He was already really strong and fast, dare he say that he may out match his old speed... which was weird since he was in his 30s then but was only 10 now.

Although, that was something he noticed, his body heals much quicker than it used to, it didn't match up to a Titan or Naruto ( was he secretly a Titan?) But it was still pretty quick.

So his muscles would tear and heal at an incredible rate, which was the only reason he was able to fight with 20KG on each arm and leg.

If anything he was surprised that he could, still defeat Naruto, Sasuke and Shiro with 80kg on, but he guessed that's why Ninja were dangerous.

But back to the book he was reading, there was one that caught his attention, one that may help him if he could use correctly....

Chakra Strings.

He heard about them through Iruka, (so he can be useful) who explained that they were used to control puppets and to quickly set up traps.

Although Levi was confused when he said puppets, people can actually attack you with wood?

He was confused but he wouldn't underestimate it, the pervert can substitute with a log, maybe they can do the same with their puppets, and the Henge (yes he knows what it's called, he just doesn't care) exists, so if they wanted the puppet to look normal they could.

But none of that was interesting to him, just the strings, since they are made by Chakra they are strong enough to withstand most if not all of the elements.

But Levi saw this as an opportunity, a chance to bring something from home to here.

Levi would make his own ODM gear.

It wouldn't be the exact same, obviously, but it could give the same affect if not better.

Chakra strings can be expanded from any part of your body as the Chakra string will be attached to your skin.

In a way this was somewhat perfect, he could have the Chakra strings expand from his weist like before, or even use his hands if it gets too bad...

This might be worth looking into after all...

With Shiro improving in strength and speed Levi had no doubt that it wouldn't be long before the pair of them would be able to use a double team attack.

Especially since Shiro is as fast as Levi since according to Hana he 'didn't want to be left behind'.

Shiro had also met Kakashi's dogs and upon realising that they could talk Levi realised that there may be a chance for Shiro to also talk...which was weird in it's own way.


"Levi! I'm back! And hungry!" Naruto shouted, he had slammed open the door, Sasuke quietly walked in behind Naruto mainly because he had assumed Levi was drinking tea and he had learned the hard way...

Never disturb Levi from drinking tea.

Levi stood up, tripped Naruto over and put his foot on the back of his head.

I don't need Magic to killTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon