Just a day

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He didn't know what to think, after the massacre going to the academy was absolute hell. Looks of Pity were thrown at him and Sasuke no matter where they looked.... and both hated it.

Levi's apartment now housed Sasuke too, not because Sasuke had no where else to live, no the Hokage gave Sasuke his own apartment, Sasuke just felt a lot better knowing that there was some sort of family, blood or not in the place he was living in.

To be honest if anyone had earned Levi's respect it was shockingly... Naruto.

The kid acted as if nothing happend, when Sasuke and Levi returned to the academy Naruto treated them the exact same way he did before the massacre. A look of sympathy washed over his face every now and then... but never pity, and that gave him some respect from Levi.

At this current moment however Levi was walking home, he had a cup of tea in his hand and a pair of heavy bags under his eyes, however he faltered in his step slightly when he heard a weak whimper.

Looking around Levi saw in a dark alley there was a pup, it was covered in filth, that alone made his nose wrinkle, but it was injured badly.

He was looking at it, it was so dirty he couldn't tell if the dark colour was its fur or the dirt....

His morals wouldn't let him leave it. He wasn't in a life threatening situation where taking the dog could get him killed, he was just stressed... maybe a dog in the apartment is what both he and Sasuke need.

Putting on a pair of gloves Levi walked up to the pup, when the thing saw him it gave a soft whimper and growl, but Levi ignored it and picked up the pup.

The poor thing was so frightened that it bit him, but Levi didn't even flinch he just started walking home... ugh he was going to bleach his clothes after this.

Walking inside he saw the place was empty, Sasuke was probably at the training field again... tsk, he would have to drag his unconscious body back here again.

Walking straight to the bathroom, he filled up the tub just a little bit, and made sure the water was warm.

The water was low enough for the pup to be able to stand in, but high enough to cover half the pup.

Placing the dog in, the poor thing slowly, very slowly started to relax, and it eventually let go of Levi's hand.

Thankfully it was too young to pierce his skin, but it still stung, slowly and carefully Levi cleaned the dog, he took his time and doing so was shockingly therapeutic.

He didn't know how long had past, but then he was done the pups white fur, with black patches shined through. The pup had a bright blue and a brown eye, which was very interesting to see.

A husky if Levi remembered the breed correctly, that dog boy at the academy ranted off about dogs, their different breeds and how they look.

So he was sure this was a Husky.

This time instead of picking the dog up straight away Levi placed his hand out, the pup sniffed it, licked and leaned into his hand...

A small smile made a way onto his face.... cute.

He pulled the dog out of the bath, and dried it with one of his spare towels, he and Sasuke had different towels, and bathrooms... thank kami.

Once the pup was dry Levi placed it onto the floor and headed to the kitchen to look for their first aid kit, he knew dogs needed different treatments, but until he could take the poor thing to the Inuzuka's place the thing still needed something to cover it's wounds.

He found some small bandages and took those, walking back to the bathroom the pup was in the corner whimpering.

Levi looked around confused... what happened?, but as soon as the pup saw him it stopped whimpering and limped over to him...

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