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I click my tongue, my eyes full of irritation while tapping my right foot impatiently. It was nightfall, only the light cascaded here was the tall torches in line both on my left and right. Everyone stood stiff, hands behind their back while sweating tremendously.

I couldn't understand their nervousness, we were only picking our regiment. Only a few trainees graduated from the Training Corps. Most I found vile for they had no motivation, no purpose as to why they took up space in the barracks.

They were weaklings and I couldn't care if they weren't here at the graduation ceremony. Presently, each person was called up front towards three people who represented each regiment.

The first being the Garrison represented by two roses. Then the Scouting Legion represented by the Wings of Freedom. Then there was the Military Police. A Unicorn represents their regiment. With each named called I realized more and more people began to fill the Military Police Regiment.

Few go to the Garrison but no one makes their way to the Scouting Legion. My nose wrinkles, cowards. It was until a name was called who changed up the pattern.

"Levi Ackerman," Captain Erwin Smith called from up front. A short man with raven undercut hair steps up. Erwin gestures a hand for him to choose. It didn't take Levi long to pick the Scouting Regiment.

At the sight of him, I scrunch my nose and eye him in distaste. A few looked upon me in question but I ignore them completely. I was scored second in both combat and studies in the whole class.

The one scoring first was none other than Levi himself. However, despite him excelling in both, I mastered in the books and strategic field than anyone else among the trainees. I did try to beat him in hand-to-hand combat plenty of times during training but I could never pin him to the ground.

Compared to him I wasn't a badass in combat. I did give up after a year of trying and focused on what I did excel at. I realize people started to make their way to the Scouting Regiment but only just a few. Trainees such as Petra, Hanji, and Oruo.

Many questioned their choices, the murmuring around me were like annoying horse flies. They swarmed and buzzed creating such a stir, Erwin yelled for them to shut their mouth. The set of trainees began to dwindle as it was almost my turn to choose.

Before the ceremony Keith Sadies did recommend me to the Military Police. I cast my glance to him. He stood in the shadow of the lit torches. His words rang in my mind like a bell, it was something I couldn't forget today.

'People like you aren't needed in the Scouting Regiment, no matter how much you want to be there. You'll be killed in a second, and you know it. It's best to stick with the Military Police. They seem to suit your tastes.' 

The blood in my veins begin to boil. I don't give a damn about those ignorant bedwetters who can't grasp the idea of freedom. Them and their ignorant beliefs makes me sick.

At least, I know I want a life outside these walls. At least I know that I don't want to be a caged bird any longer. I'll fight for my freedom and the life everyone deserves.

"Emma Wolfram," Erwin Smith calls.

My ears perk to the sound of my name with everyone's eyes on me. As the last on to be called it's silent all around me. Sadies nods his head towards me as if he knew he words went through to me.

Casting my gaze up front, I realize how most of my comrades beckoned me to join the Garrison or Military Police. No one gave the look of welcoming at the Scouting Regiment.

"What will you choose, Miss Wolfram?" Captain Smith questions.

I don't answer, I already made up my mind a long time ago. I stare at each one of those who stood before me. But the gaze I held longest was Levi's.

His gaze matched mine, pure hatred. It was the only thing we both could agree upon. But there will another thing we'll now hold mural ground for. Killing Titans.

I make my way to the Scouting Regiment taking my comrades's breath away. I gave my salute to Captain Smith, my fist pounding against my chest.

"I choose the Scouting Regiment, sir!"

He eyes me for a moment, there was no satisfaction layering his face. He gives me a nod of approval but nothing more. I stand between both Hanji and Levi, sharing no eye contact with neither of them.

"You following me, brat?" I hear Levi hiss beside me. Ignoring Captain Smith's speech I scoff at Levi's accusation.

"In your dreams, half-pint. I'm only here for my goal, so zip it."

He clicks his tongue while his nose scrunches in distaste. Simultaneously we take a step away from each other, our faces red in irritation.

I didn't realize I was already sworn in as a Scout but, I was. And I realized this was only the beginning. The beginning of a harsh life I would now have to live.


The Prologue was short but how was it?

Lemme know in the comments!!

Oh, and I might change the book cover. It doesn't really pop, you know?

Anyway, next chapter will be up next Monday!

Hope you'd enjoyed the Prologue!☺️

Vote and Comment!♥️♥️

Risk [Levi Ackerman]✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя