Chapter 15:

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Clint: We sat in the room, in almost silence. Fury would come up with a question every now and then, and Natasha would answer. 

"Listen, I'm just curious, is there any chance at all that I could become a SHIELD agent after this?" Natasha asked at one point. 

"Sorry," Nick said, "Not looking to adopt a stray KGB agent at the moment." 

"Seriously?" Natasha asked, and for the first time, I actually thought she looked furious, "So I'm spilling my soul and it might not do anything?!" 

"Thank you," was all Nick replied with. 

"What would it take to proove myself to you?" Natasha asked. 

"Um, I guess probably a little more than a complete and total miracle," Nick said, "I will never trust you." 

Natasha sat there, seething, for a few moments. Then she looked up at Fury, her eyes filled with an idea. 

"What if I killed Drakeov?" she asked, her voice quiet. 

"If I believed you would do that, then you might have a small shot at it," Fury said, "I don't know you will though." 

"Its not like I'm just going to walk out of the KGB anyway. I have to kill him if I want out," she said. 

"How do you plan on doing this?" I asked. 

"I have my ways," she said with a cocky smile, "I could also take away all the files they have that could pose a threat to the US, even bring them to the US. Would you trust me then." 

Fury thought it over for a moment. 

"Then I would most defnately find you a spot, just because you would be the one to single handedly bring down the KGB," Fury said, much to my surprise. 

Natasha smiled. 

"But," Fury said, "Even if you did that, your too scrubbed clean. You don't have a single piece of information on you. It would turn heads on making you an official citizen of the US. And frankly, I don't want to have to deal with Homeland Security and Immigrations. You're just not worth it." 

"So your saying even if I single handedly bring down a Russian Government agency, you won't be able to make me a US agent," Natasha said, the disapointment washing  over her face. 

"There's got to be something we can do," I interjected. 

"Well, if you can come up with something Barton, then I'm open. But until then..." Fury trailed off. 

"I have tons of alliaces and stories to get myself into the US. They're air tight, and backed by you it would probably go over fine," Natasha offerd. 

"Except it would be highly illegal," Nick said, "If we're going to do this, I would love to honest about it." 

We sat in silence for a moment, and I wracked my brain for different ways to get someone into the country. The main ones I came up with were illegal. 

Natasha shifted in her seat, "Listen this idea is totally crazy and I know its going to get shot down, but hear me out." 

"I'm listening," Fury said. 

"What is Russia well known for?" Natasha asked, waiting for us to guess. 

"Vodka," I said. 

"Other than that," Natasha said, rolling her eyes. 

Fury just stared at her impaciently. I on the other hand, tried to come up with what it was she was getting at. Was she planning to sneak into the US through the Olympics? 

"Mail Order Brides," Natasha finally filled in. Okay of all the places my mind wasn't thinking of that was the last one it was going. 

"Where are you going with this?" Fury asked. 

"It's how the drug addict women and porn stars and prostitutes all get out. They barely look at your record. You tie yourself to some other American, live with them for two years, then, poof, you have a green card and are free to live in the US," Natasha said. It was actually a good plan. Insane, but it would probably work. That was a shady business when I thought about it. 

"You realize how insane that is right?" I asked her, "I mean its kind of getting married to someone." 

"Yeah. I would just need to find someone whos willing to have a quiet, hot red headed roommate for two years though," Natasha said. 

"You mean wife," I corrected. 

"Unless I could find someone who was just in need of a roommate, who happens to make it so they can't get married for two years. I mean its not like its all that hard to get a divorce anymore," Natasha said. 

"You realize we don't just have a list of single guys ready to get married to someone just on a whim right?" Fury asked. 

"I just need one guy. I just need to find one before I kill Drakeov. Because I am not going to stick around Russia afterward," Romanoff said. 

"Natasha, can I talk to you in the hall please," I asked, looking at Fury. He nodded, and Natasha followed me out. 

I closed the door behind us. "You realize what your doing right?" I asked, "This is nuts." 

"What's so nuts about it?" she asked, "I need out, I'm willing to do anything for it." 

"Yes, but your talking about marriage," I said. 

Natasha stared at me blankly for a few moments. It was agrivating. 

"If you do this, your giving up every little girls dream. The big wedding, with a loving husband, a pretty dress. Your giving up all of that," I pointed out. 

"You said it yourself. A little girls dream. Love is for children," Natasha said, "Besides, I gave up that dream years ago." 

I shook my head, "This is crazy." 

"And it just prooves how much I need this," Natasha said. 

"Is that what this is about. Prooving yourself to Fury?" I asked. 

"This is about getting all I have ever wanted since I was 15 years old," Natasha said. 

I shook my head, knowing what I was about to say was insane. But I knew how much this meant to her. She needed me to do this. 

"Fine, what about using me." 

"Using you?" Natasha asked. 

"Yeah. Live with me for two years. I'll marry you," I said. 

"Clint..." Natasha said. 

"If you want this, use me," I said. 

"Clint, I'll never be able to thank you enough," Natasha said, extreme gratitude washing over her face, "I promise, you won't need to worry about me. I'll just be like a roommate. You can have girls over and date and stuff, it doesn't have to be a real commitment." 

"Okay," I said, "I can do it. If you really want it this bad." But I could barely cover my disapointment. 

She just saw it as a means to an end. 

But what if I wanted more? 

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