Chapter 25:

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Clint: We went back to my room, and I could see the shock on Natasha's face as we walked in. I went directly to my suitcase and pulled out a container the size of a breath mint box. I opened it to reveal two new hearing aids. I turned them on and put them in, sighing to test them. They worked okay, not as good as the ones Drakeov had crushed, but as good as any backups should.

"I always have backup," I told Natasha. She forced a smile and nodded. I walked over to her, and took her hand in mine. "I'm sorry that you had to go through that. I can't imagine how hard that was."

There was one thing bugging me. Why had I been in that room? Why did Natasha punch me that one time in the head? I didn't mean to dwell on it, but it did bug me. What had Drakeov done to me then?

I didn't want her to see my worry on the subject. "Are you okay?" she asked.

"I have a slight ringing in my ear due to these stupid hearing aids, but otherwise, barely a scratch," I assured her.

She nodded, "I"m sorry, about, what happened in that room. I want you to know I don't blame you. Its my fault for making you come in contact with Drakeov-"

I stopped her, "First, I don't blame you, and second, what happened, back with Drakeov?"

Natasha looked at me confused, "You... don't remember?"

I shook my head. Then a notifactation went off on my phone, reminding me about the flight that we had to get on. I sighed.

"Let's talk on the flight. Do you have anything you have to grab in Russia?" I asked.

"Do I look like the kind of girl who would have a lot of stuff to grab?" she asked. I laughed.

"Depends on who you're playing," I told her.

Two hours later the plane left the run way. "So what are you looking forward to most about the US?" I asked Natasha, trying to get her mind off what had happened.

"Freedom," she said, absent mindedly, her eyes trained on the plane wing outside our window.

"That seems to be the draw," I told her, laughing a little. She stayed quiet, watching out the window.

A few hours later the plane was dark, the lighting dimmed for better sleeping conditions. Almost everyone was asleep, drapped in a thin felt blanket. Natasha was draped in a blanket, but her eyes were looking at me. "What?" I asked.

"Thank you," she whispered, "For your help in the field, for the opprotunity to change my life."

"You've already said thank you for both things," I murmured, "We make a pretty good team."

"Yeah," she said, "And I promise, I'll be out of your hair in just a few years. Until then, I won't cause any trouble."

"Why do you keep saying that?" I whispered, "I asked you, not the other way around. I promise you, I don't mind." Her eyes stayed on mine, registering what I said. "And besides," I said, "What if we don't want to part after two years?"

"What?" Natasha whispered.

"Well, I mean, I think we both like each other. Maybe we shouldn't act like this is some curse. Make the most of it," I said.

"Barton, I-" she stopped, smiling after a moment, "I guess there's no danger anymore to putting you through dating me."

"Nope," I said, smiling, "I mean, other than dating you."

"Ha ha," Natasha whispered sarcasitcally.

"Can I ask you a question though?" I asked.

"Sure," she whispered.

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