Chapter 4:

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Natasha:  I was back in my room, getting dressed into a dazzling outfit, sure to bring out any secrets anyone may have. The dress was black, falling just below my ankles, with a slit doing up and showing off my leg. It fit tight in the top and flowing in the bottom. I had bought a pair of leather pumps to go with it . I went down to the party, ready to kill.

 Clint: I hate monkey suits. Good thing the woman love monkey suits.

I stood off to the side, watching people dance and talk. I always hated these things. Rich stood around and just talked about being rich. They compared yacht clubs and charities they donated too and Rolex watches. It was totally disgusting.

There were a few girls with red hair. One was the Prime Minister of England's daughter, another a model from Australia,  who was being escorted by her middle aged billionaire boyfriend, and a middle aged French Ambassador.  

 I had danced with both the Prime Minister's daughter and the model by the time I saw her.

 She was dressed in a black dress, her hair hair cascaded down onto her shoulders, part of her hair in a knot on the top of her head. Red hair. How had I not thought of it. But I decided not to jump to conclusions. I walked up to her. "Hi," I said, smiling.

 "Hi," she said, smiling back, "Do I know you?"

 "Earlier, in, actually," I laughed, "here."

 "Oh right," she said, "The guy who thought I actually walk around in my bikini." She laughed.

 "In my defense, my joke sensor always shuts off when I'm around half naked beautiful women," I said smiling.

 "Wow," she said.

 "What?" I asked.

 "That was really smooth," she laughed.

 "Good," I said, "I try."

 I held out my hand for her to dance. "Dance with me," I said.

 "Never mind," she said, "That was smoother." She took my hand and we made our way to the dancefloor.

 Natasha: "So does the beautiful woman have a name," the guy said, pulling me close and dancing with me. I was scanning the room for people who might be American. People who didn't fit in. Not rich men. Or maybe posing as rich men.

 "Natalie," I answered, "How about you?"

 "James," he said, "So does Natalie have a story?"

 Okay, time to not as much think of find the guy who was the worm and time to focus on what was going on with me.

 "Well there's not much to tell," I laughed.

 Clint: This girl was getting to be more and more my girl. "I'm curious," I said.

 "Okay," Natalie said, "I grew up dirt poor. Then my family died in a car crash and I moved in with my grandparents.  My grandparents were high ups in the oil industry in Italy. So when they died I sold the land I inherited. Then took the money and now I live my life rich with no strings attached."

 I nodded, "So how does a girl like you get into a party like this."

 She smirked, "I have my connections." 

I smiled, because at that moment I knew she was the Russian Spy.

 That was until a gunshot rang out from upstairs.

 Natasha: Everyone ducked and screamed, and a Russian Diplomat fell. My first thought was to chase down the man who had killed him, thinking the obvious. But then I looked up to see the shooter, but he was gone, and I caught a quick glance at a leather jacket walking out a door, a slight glimmer off his arm. Wint.

 I grabbed James' hand, pulling him along.

 "Where are we going?" he asked.

 "We're leaving. Someone sort of just got shot," I said, adding an ounce of panic to my voice.

 Clint: I knew I should drop cover and look for the shooter, but for some reason  I didn't. She grabbed my hand pulling me towards the exit. It was clogged with people.She continued to pull me. "Come on, I know another exit."

 She pulled me towards a door, pushing it open with her elbow. I scanned the roofs above, happy I didn't see anyone, due to the fact then I would have to leave Natalie to chase him. Why? I loved my job.

 She looked back at me, her gaze examining my glace at the roof tops. "The coast is clear," I said.

 "I know," she said, still not dropping the measuring look in her gaze. Then she cracked a small smirk, "What would you have done if the coast wasn't clear?"

 "Oh you know," I said, adding a joking punch to my voice, "Ran at him, maybe beat him to the ground. Maybe shot a few arrows in him."

 "Arrows?" Natalie asked, "Seems a little stone age for 2005 doesn't it?"

 "Hey, I could make an arrow look tough," I said.

 "Sure you could," Natalie said, getting close to me, "Robin Hood?"

 "Whenever I say that my weapon of choice would be a bow and arrow, I alway get that," I said.

 "Oh," Natalie said, pretending to take offense by my words, "What about Legolas?"

 "Heard it."



 "Peter Pan?"

 "Does he really use a bow and arrow, or is he more that faith, love, and pixie dust crap?" I asked Natalie. She giggled. She was so cute. She bit her lip, and I got closer to her.

 "You know," I whispered in her ear, "I could kiss you right now."

 "Oh really?" she whispered back. I turned my face, kissing her. It was sweet, and blended perfectly.

 A moment later she pulled away. “What time is it?” she asked.

 “Uh, I don’t know,” I said, checking my watch, still a little dazed, “12:50 why?” It was then I remembered where I had to be in 10 minutes.

 “I, uh, have to go,” Natalie said.

 I knew I had messed up my mission enough, so I let her go.

 Natasha: I changed into my cat suit in a matter of 3 minutes flat, and was in front of my sniper rifle with 5 minutes to spare. I glanced through my scope, making sure it was calibrated. I looked around at my surroundings. I looked down at the still blanc ground. Then I looked up at the surrounding windows.

 Clint: I was in the room, looking down on where the decoy event would take place. Then I started looking around the surrounding rooms. That’s when I saw her. Instead of the black dress she had been wearing, it was a black leather cat suit. But her red curls hung down.


 She was the Russian.

 Natasha: I looked through my scope amazed. It was James. Behind a bow.

 He was American.

 Before I could react, an arrow flew at me. The shock that was flooding through me turned my reaction time for the first and only time in my career. I looked down as the arrow stuck in my thigh.

 “You missed,” I muttered. Then the world went black.

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