Author's Note

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So, I really missed writing this story, even though I finished it months ago, so here are some random fun facts about the writing process behind it:

● I literally do not remember why I started Sunflower. Like, I genuinely do not know how I got the idea, I just remember starting it and loving it.

● I chose the name Emilia because of an inside joke I have with my friends.

● Originally, Magnolia was going to be Emilia's first name because it was the first name I thought of.

● Magnolia is the state flower of Louisiana, where I'm from, so it's really special to me, hence why it's her middle name.

● I always knew I was going to connect Emilia's heritage to New Orleans, again because that's where I'm from.

● I didn't plan on bringing Marcel into the story, it just kind of happened when I wrote that chapter. That is also why the Mikaelson's don't play a bigger part of the story

● Embry and Emilia's ship name in my head was Em&Em, aka, my favorite chocolate

● This actually started out as a Paul fanfiction, but I didn't like it, so I almost scrapped the idea completely. I then changed it to Embry instead one night when I was bored.

● Sunflower is not the only Embry fanfic I've written. I just haven't finished the others.

● Emilia was going to be played by Cindy Kimberly before Danielle Campbell. I ended up switching to Danielle after rewatching the Originals.

● I drafted a bonus chapter where Emilia met Davina, but deleted it because I wasn't satisfied with it.

● My best friend (who helped me to outline the story for Sunflower) has a headcanon that Embry and Emilia ended up moving to New Orleans. I support the headcanon.

● Kai was the first and only name I ever thought about for Emilia and Embrys firstborn

● Karina's middle name, Geanny, is a combination of Tiffany and Genevieve (how many of you caught that?)

● There was an alternate ending to Sunflower where Embry and Emilia end up separating and live as friends instead.

● When writing Breaking Dawn Pt 1, I briefly considered making Emilia and Jacob a couple.

● There is a small plothole when it comes to Emilia's age. The Prologue says she was born in 1990, but Chapter 11 says she graduated in 2010, making her 20. 2010 is supposed to be 2008, but I forgot to change it

● Another Headcannon my best friend has is that Jacob did have a crush on Emilia at some point, but brushed it off. He thought it was because he spent so much time around Embry and Embry's thoughts.

● Last, but not least, Emilia's parents are also made up characters. I felt that using real characters would be more confusing, so I made them up.

Let me know what your favorite random fact is, and if there is anything else you would want to know about the process of creating Sunflower. Love all of you guys!

Sunflower (Embry Call)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ