Chapter 32

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"Sometimes you have to take a step back to move forward"

"Sometimes you have to take a step back to move forward"

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"Welcome back, you two." Jacob smiled as Leah and Emilia walked out of the airport.

"Is that my car?" Emilia asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It was the only car I could bring!"

Emilia laughed, hugging Jacob. "I missed you, you dick."

"I missed you too."


"Jacob." The two nodded at each other before putting the suitcases in the trunk and getting inside the car. Emilia sat in the passenger seat, plugging in her headphones as Jacob began to drive off.

"You gonna ignore us, Em?"

"Yup. Wake me up when we get to Forks."

Leah had already fallen asleep in the backseat, making Jacob roll his eyes. This was gonna be a long drive for him. He turned on the radio and got on the highway, preparing for the hour drive.


"Drop me off at my mom's, will you Jacob?"

He nodded, putting on the blinkers to turn right. He pulled up before the Clearwater home, Leah smiling at him before she jumped out of the car. She got her bag and went inside the house.

"Where to, Emma?"

"Your Dad's?"

"Your wish is my command." He pulled off, Emilia fidgeting as he did.

"Where are you eating dinner, Jake?" He shrugged, glancing at her.

"Wherever Dad goes, I guess. You?"

"My family doesn't eat, remember?"

Jacob laughed, turning onto a dirt road. Emilia raised an eyebrow.

"Your dad's is that way."

"I'm aware."

"Then why are we going this way?"

Jake just smiled in response, Emilia's eyes widening as she realized where they were heading. "You can't be serious."

"My Dad is at Emily's, it's where we are eating."

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