Chapter 3

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"In every man's heart there is a secret nerve that answers to the vibrations of beauty"

Embry, Paul, and Jared walked back to Emily's after patrol.

"Ha! I told you that patrol would be boring. That's five bucks, Call"

Embry rolled his eyes but handed over the five dollar bill making Jared whoop and high five Paul.

Embry usually would've protested but all he could think about was Emilia. Who knows when or if he would see her again?

Paul and Embry were about to whistle but Jared stopped them both, pointing to the silver Volvo parked before Emily's.

"Who does Sam know that owns a Volvo?" Paul asked incredulously.

Embry eyebrows furrowed. There was something familiar about that car, almost like he had seen it before.

It was late, too late for visitors. Whoever it was wanted to see Sam and Emily alone.

"Could the Cullen's be back?" Jared asked making Paul scoff.

"Sam would've told us first and the Cullens aren't even allowed here"

The two stopped bickering when they heard laughing and all three hid behind the trees again. Out of Emily's came Emilia, Sam, and Emily, all three laughing.

Embry's eyes widened in shock. His imprint knew Sam?

"Okay Emma, be safe on your way back tomorrow. And come back soon" Emily said, handing Emilia a muffin.

Emilia hugged the couple goodbye. "I promise and I'll try!"

She got into the Volvo and left, heading back to the house in Forks.

The three boys emerged from the woods before Sam and Emily could go back inside, Embry rushing ahead.

"Who was that girl?" Paul asked making Sam shrug.

"Just an old friend" he replied shortly. The three boys shared a look. Sam was hiding something but he had made it clear that he didn't want to talk about it.

"Come on boys, I made muffins" Emily beckoned the pack causing Paul and Jared to run in. Sam turned as well but noticed Embry's hesitance.


The younger boy nodded quickly, walking in before Sam. Only one thought was on his mind: How did Sam know Emilia?


Emilia got out of the Volvo, slamming the door shut.

The weekend in Forks had been nice, a reminder a her home. And of course, she met the newest wolf recruit. Not that she told Sam. She had a feeling their friendship should be kept a secret for the time being.

That being said, Embry's face had not left her mind since their meeting. He was all she thought of and suddenly, all she wanted. It was insane how someone she had just met had affected her so much. Emilia was suddenly thankful that Edward was not around because while she could block him from reading her mind during the day, at night, he could read it if bored.

And Embry plagued her every thought, her every dream. Embry became the focus of her attention.

She entered the main house and threw down the keys, slipping off her shoes.

"I'm home" she shouted. Emmett was the first to appear, grabbing Emilia as tightly as he could without hurting her.

"You came back! You smell horrible but you're back" he yelled making Emilia laugh.

"Funny, Sam said the same thing"

"You've had her long enough, Em, I want to hug her too!" Rose exclaimed, pulling her sister close.

"Hey Rose"

"Hey little one"

Rosalie let the younger girl go before frowning. "You smell different"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that there's a new smell lingering on you"

"I have no idea what you're talking about" she shrugged.

Rosalie's frown deepened but she didn't press the subject. Maybe there was a new wolf at the Uley residence?

"Anyways, I'm starving. Did Carmen make me anything by any chance?"

Carmen laughed as she entered the room and took Emilia in her arms. While Carmen led Emilia to the kitchen, Emmett and Rosalie shared a look.

Why had Emilia's scent changed all of a sudden?

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