36. Nether

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Me: So many of you were begging for this chapter! So this one might end up being a bit long ;)

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Me: So many of you were begging for this chapter! So this one might end up being a bit long ;)

Axel: What's happening?

Me: I'm taking Magnus on the vacation of a lifetime!

Axel: Ok.....

Me: To Minecraft hell :D

Axel: Ohhhhhh ok! Cool! I can go visit the Rescue Riders then?

Me: Yup! Cya around!

Axel: *waves and leaves*

Magnus: What's going on out here?

Me: Ah Magnus! Just in time! You have a dare! You're going to a wonderful- (ly horrible) -place!

Magnus: And what place is this?

Me: It's called..... The Nether!

Magnus: Hmm. Doesn't sound so wonderful.

Me: Oh it will be. (For me) Anyway, here's the portal!

Magnus: What? Why do we need a portal?

Me: It's far away from annoying people so we need a portal to access it!

Magnus: Nice! Alright, let me through! *goes through portal*

Me: *also goes through portal*

Magnus: W-what? It's all fire and lava!

Me: Welcome to hell! *destroys portal*

Magnus: Hey! I want a refund!

Me: You didn't even pay. Plus, there's plenty of loot here! You just gotta find it!

Magnus: Why should I care?

Me:..... the loot is gold and diamonds

Magnus: AW YES LETS GO *runs off to find loot*

Me: *follows*

Magnus: What's that sound?

Me: That would be a ghast. Giant floating ghost thingys that shoot fireballs at you.

Ghast: *moans*

Magnus: *screams like a three year old girl*

Ghast: *shoots at Magnus*

Magnus: *runs for the hills*

Me: *laughing hysterically, high fives the ghast*

Magnus: *runs into a fort* Hey, a treasure chest! *opens and finds gold* HAHAHA! Finally!

Me: Mmmmmmmm look behind you

Piglin 1: *groans*

Magnus: *screams*

Piglin 2: Huh? What was that?

Piglin 1: Haha! Traitors, we have a boi!

Piglin 1, 2, 3: Yey!

Piglin 1: FIRE!

All piglins: *shoots Magnus with crossbows*

Magnus: *gets multiple arrows in his head and dies, dropping all the loot*

Me: *teleports back to the nether portal*

Magnus: *respawns at nether portal* Gah! Alright that's it, I'm leaving!

Me: *breaks nether portal and it deactivates*

Magnus: Nooooooooooooo!

Me: Why don't you go find some more loot?


Me: You know, maybe there's a nether portal somewhere else in this world. Why don't you find it?

Magnus: I will find a way out of here! *storms off*

Me: Heh

Piglins: *see Magnus and chase him*


Me: They're coming after you because you aren't wearing gold armor!

Magnus: DO I LOOK LIKE I HAVE GOLD ARMOR?! *backed up to a cliff*

Me: You're gonna have to jump if you want to survive!

Magnus: *jumps off the cliff without realizing there's lava* *realizes* *screams* *dies in lava and respawns at the broken nether portal*

Me: Have fun?


Me: Ahhh I'm so scared!

Magnus: *chases me*

Me: *floats in the air* You look tired. Here, have this. *drops a bed*

Magnus: What trick is this? Maybe it's made of fire or poison! Maybe it's *touches bed* actually really soft.... *yawns* *lays down on bed*

Me: Wait for it....

*bed explodes*

Magnus: *dies*



Me: yeah I'll get you back. This chapter is over 500 words already.

Magnus: What

Me: *teleports us both back*

Magnus: *kisses the floor*

Me: Hah! I gotta take you back sometime! It was fun watching you die over and over! Anyway, thanks for the dare and until next time!

Rescue Riders: Ask Or Dare 3 (Ultimate Mashup)Where stories live. Discover now