44. Children

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Lurke: Who are you?

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Lurke: Who are you?

Shadow (daughter): Hey dad


Goon (son): hey

Vizza: Um

Goon: Just look at the dare

Vizza: Oh that makes much more sense! Wait, we had children?

Lurke:......... apparently

Snoop: *comes out from behind them* Awwww who are these?

Goon: *kinda annoyed* Hey uncle Snoop...

Lurke and Snoop: WHAT?!

Snoop: I'm honored...

Lurke: NO


Shadow: *less annoyed* hey uncle. What's up

Snoop: How long have I been gone?

Lurke: *pushes Snoop out of the way*

Goon: I'm bored. Can we go prank the rescue rats?

Vizza: I love them

Lurke: They're totally our children

Shadow: Well I'm going

Lurke: Yassssss

*at the Roost*

Shadow: Looks like only one of them are home...

Goon: That one is Winger, right? He's the worst, let's do this

Lurke and Vizza: *watching them*

Shadow: *turns invisible and stands next to Winger* *hissing* Watch out for the dark one~

Winger: *jumps and looks around* Who's there? I don't see anyone!

Goon: *invisible* They're coming to get you~

Winger: I've never heard those voices before!

Goon and Shadow: *hissing and growling*

Winger: *shaking*

Shadow: *grabs Winger's tail*

Winger: *yelps and flies away as fast as possible*

Goon and Shadow: *uninvisible* *laughing*

Lurke: Now we can eat all their fish!

Vizza: Not so fast. Look.

Eli: *holding Doc in his hand*

Doc: *chirps happily*

Me: *wagging tail and squealing*

Lurke: Who's that

Vizza: idk

Goon: I got a plan *invisible*

Me: AAAAAA all your slugs are so cute!! :3

Eli: *chuckles*

Burpy: *worried chirp*

Eli: What is it buddy?

Burpy: *hissing slightly and shaking head*

Eli: Something's wrong

Goon and Shadow: *run out shooting slinkwing goo*

Me and Eli: *are caught*

Goon and Shadow: *laughing*

Slinkwings: *start eating fish out of the barrels*

Eli: Beeker?

Beeker: *chirps and sprays water*

Eli: *is free* Get out of here!

Lurke: No!

Eli: *shoots Joules*

Joules: *zaps Goon and Shadow*

Vizza: Wha-

Eli: *shoots Burpy*

Burpy: *circles around Lurke and Vizza*

Lurke: Gah! Fine we'll leave! But you haven't seen the last of us!

Slinkwings: *leave*

Aggro: Uh what happened here?

Beeker: *sprays water and frees me*

Me: Just Eli being a beast and keeping the place safe while you were gone

Summer: We thought we would show everyone around the village while you died of cuteness by looking at the slugs

Me: *shrugs*

Kord: Hannahr is awesome! I taught her how to make so many cool things! Magnus would be cool to learn stuff from too, but... he's a jerk.

Trixie: I recorded an insult battle between Magnus and Pronto

Junjie: Marena and I got along well.

Pronto: I met someone who recognized the great Pronto for his worth!

Me: Hmm. Who was this person?

Trixie: I think he said his name was Elbone?

Me: Of course. Anyway, thanks for the dare... wait should I close this out? It wasn't really a dare for us...

Dak: Where's Winger?

Eli: Haven't seen him since he took off for some reason.

Me: I'll just close us out anyway. Until next time!

Rescue Riders: Ask Or Dare 3 (Ultimate Mashup)Where stories live. Discover now