43. Eli

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Me: But

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Me: But... I don't have any slugs

Eli: Hey

Me: Woah you appeared out of nowhere

Kord: Nice place you got here!

Me: It's not mine it's theirs *points to Rescue Riders*

Eli: Dragons? I thought they were a myth!

Me: Nope. They're real.

Pronto: And Pronto the magnificent shall be the first to ride one! *starts off towards Cutter*

Junjie: *facepalms*

Me: You don't wanna do that...

Trixie: Oooh I gotta get this! *starts recording*

Pronto: Haha! Savage beast, prepare to be tamed!

Cutter: *growls and grabs Pronto, flying him up into the air*

Pronto: *screaming*

Eli: *about to fire at Cutter*

Me: No wait! He's not an enemy! I mean, Pronto did just walk into his home and call him savage beast.

Eli: Eh. True. *puts blaster away*

Summer: Cutter! Bring him back down!

Cutter:....fine *puts Pronto down*

Pronto: Hah! That's right! You better let me go!

Cutter: *growls again*

Aggro: Let it go, Cut.

Junjie: *walks up to Cutter* My apologies, dear dragon. My comrade is not the best with meeting new creatures.

Cutter: *snorts*

Dak: Hey everyone! You must be the Shane gang! Pleased to meet you.

Leyla: I didn't know you had manners, Dak.

Dak: Wha-

Kord: *laughing*

Eli: I'm looking for a Jackie? I got a letter in the post telling me she's the one to duel. *looks at Leyla* Would that be you?

Leyla: Nope. I'm Leyla and This is my twin brother Dak. *pointing to dragons now* That's Winger, Summer, Burple, Aggro and Cutter. They're our teammates and family.

Trixie: Cool! Can you communicate somehow? Like maybe they know sign language?

Dak: Actually, we speak dragon!

Eli: Aw sweet! I would like to speak dragon!

Leyla: Anyway, Jackie is the jackal right there *points to me*

Me: Heya

Eli: Nice to meet you, Jackie! The name's Eli. This is Trixie, Kord, Junjie and-

Pronto: And the great Pronto! I am the hero of this group.

Me: *laughing a bit* Yea sure. Anyway, nice to meet you too *hand shake*

Eli: So, you ready to duel?

Me: Uh about that-


Me: *panics and grabs Winger*

Winger: Wha-

Eli: *shoots Joules*

Me: *yeets Winger*

Winger and Joules: *electric shock each other*

Eli: What are you doing?

Me: I DONT HAVE SLUGS *throws Aggro at Eli*

Eli: *rolls out of the way*

Trixie: *recording*

Dak and Leyla: *sharing popcorn with Kord*


Eli: *shoots Banger*

Me: *throws Burple*

Burple and Banger: *both knocked to the floor*

Eli: *shoots Burpy*

Me: *throws Summer*

Summer: *sprays Burpy with water*

Burpy: *turns back into a normal slug and is confused*

Eli: *hides behind tree*

Me: Where'd he-

Eli: *shoots Noodle*

Me: *throws Cutter*

Noodle: *does nothing*

Cutter: Huh? Meh *walks away*

Me: Uh... I'm out of ammo...

Eli: *behind me* *shoots Spinner*

Me: *is tied up in webs* Aight you win

Eli: *helps me up* You're not bad at dueling. Even if you're... not exactly doing it right.

Me: I got no slugs *shrugs*

Kord: *cheers*

Dak: Called it! Pay up, Ley

Leyla: *grumbling while handing Dak money*

Me: *glaring at them*

Trixie: I got the whole thing on tape! Just wait until the Slugnet gets this!

Me: *sighs* Anyway, you guys gotta stay for five dares, this being the first. So four more dares.

Pronto: *climbs on Winger's back*

Winger: *shoots off into the sky and tries to shake Pronto off*

Pronto: Haha! Pronto the worthy rides the ferocious dragon!

Burpy: *chirps and face palms*

Me: Uh.... thanks for the dare and until next time!

Rescue Riders: Ask Or Dare 3 (Ultimate Mashup)Where stories live. Discover now