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Dear Daniel
You're my brother. I will always love you. I'm sorry for not being the sister you needed. Please tell April how you feel, yes I knew. I know I'm gone now, but please lean on the ones you love for support.
I promise you things will get better. Maybe one day we will meet again. This isn't the end of your story Daniel. Things will get better some day. You'll be happy again.
I hope you and April have a look happy life together. You and Ace will successfully run the gang, never doubt yourself or your loyalty to Ace again. You guys are like brothers. I know neither of you would betray the other.
Please don't blame yourself.
I love you.

Dear April
You will be like the sister I never had. Now I know I have one but you are my non murderous one.
You had better get over yourself and get with Daniel. I know after my death you will be in peaces but you can help Daniel, and he can help you. Please support each other. Now give a dying girl her dying wish and have beautiful children with my brother.
Now I know you may blame yourself but please don't. This was always how this would end. I had predicted it. This was to be expected. I was always meant to die.
I love you April. You are, and always will be my sister. You are irreplaceable.
I love you.

Dear August
We never had that much time together. You made me feel safe. I thank you for looking after April and I'm sorry you have to once again. I know you are strong enough to get though this and anything else life throws at you.
Be strong for everyone around you but don't forget it's also okay to be weak yourself. Never pretend to be okay. I see in your eyes the deep sadness you hold, talk to someone about it. Don't hide it or keep it to yourself.
Your obvious best friend

Dear Lex
I trusted you with my letters last time. Thank you for getting them to the right people at the right time. I heard you worked endlessly to save me. Thank you.
You became very close to my heart, someone I could be geeky with. Thank you for bringing out my inner geek, she really missed coming out.
Now Lex, you need to do what will make you happy in life. Don't hide behind a screen because you're scared of the real world. Remember, fuck what others think, if it makes you happy do it.
I hear Luke is into you ;)
I love and accept you for who you are

Dear Ace
This may have been one of the hardest letters to write. What do I say?
When my world was falling apart you held me together. You sat with me after nightmares, not complaining that I woke you up, or forcing me to talk about it. You just held me. Do you remember the first night? I was so scared of asking you to stay. I'm not scared of anything but asking you to stay with me terrified me.
You helped save me. More then once. Both physically and emotionally. Maybe one day we will meet. I know you won't recognise me but I'll know you. Don't change who are and become one of those cold hearted pricks you read about in books. Stay true to who you are.
I love you.

Dear Duke and Jack
Yes I'm writing you letters together. Now you know about plan B so this seems rather pointless but it wouldn't seem real if you didn't have letters too.
You both became close to me. Don't think I don't see the looks you give each other when Ethan isn't looking. You should tell him about you two. I promise he'll accept you, if he doesn't you can kill me youself, for real.
Now once you both grow some balls and tell Ethan let me know how it goes. Jk I know you can't. I'm sorry for having to leave you guys became extra brothers to me. Thank you for that. Thank you for being there when I had no one.
I love you

Dear Ethan
Ahh Ethan. You're a little weirdo aren't you? You act all tough but really you're a Teddy bear. Remember it's okay to be a Teddy bear much more often.
Thank you for saving me. Without you I would be well and truly screwed.
Bye Eth see ya soon

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