Chapter Eighteen: Sleepover

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Did I say something stupid?
There goes one more mistake
Do I bore you with my problems?
Is that why you turn away?
Scars - Allison Iraheta

Lola's Pov

Lunch comes around and we decide to stay in school. April and I walk to the canteen since we seem to be in a of eat others lessons.

"She was such a bitch!" April exclaims, she is referring to our teacher. She almost gave us a detention just for coming 2 minutes late! That would've pissed everyone off but April managed to talk us out of it, I mean damn that girl can smooth talk. I nod along as she continues ranting about the old woman.

All too soon we walk into the canteen and join the line.

"What do you want to eat?" April questions once we reach the front of the line. I point to the pizza and she nods.
"Two slices of pizza please." April says with one of her jaw dropping smiles. The lady nods and places the pizza on two separate plates and puts one of April's tray and one on mine. I smile at her and April grabs us two bottles of water, we pay before going to sit down.

We find the guys quickly and I'm suprised to see a random girl hanging off Ace's arm. I give April a confused look and she gives me a look that says 'Tell you later' I nod and sit down next to April and she places herself next to Daniel. I'm inbetween her and the girl on Ace's arm.

"Ace baby who's this?" The girl says in an annoyingly high pitch voice, it sounds like nails running down a chalk bored. I bite my tounge resisting the earge to tell her to shut up.

"This is Lola I've told you about her before." Ace smiles at her, his smile not quite meeting his eyes, instead his eyes tell a story of sadness and regret which confuses me.
"Lo this is my girlfriend Emily." Ace says, turning his eyes to me, his eyes lighting up filling with the slightest hint of happiness. I just nod.

"Aren't you gonna say hi?" Emily asks, in a disgusted and angry voice. I wave slightly, now feeling uncomfortable under her angry gaze.
"Why aren't you speaking?" She asks, I push away my slice of pizza no longer feeling hungry, instead a sick feeling filling my body.

"Lo you need to eat." April says, pushing my tray towards me. I shake my head and look down at my lap.

"So she's an attention seeker." Emily says with a satisfied look on her face that I wanna slap off.

"Em..." Ace says with a slight warning in his tone, as if sensing the twitch in my hand.

"What? It's so obvious." Emily says with a sly smirk on her face. "She's an attention seeking little bitch. I'm sure your all just friends with her out of pitty." She laughs a cruel high pitched laugh that makes my blood boil.

"Emi...." Ace starts, but I inturrupt him before he can finish.

"No Ace, let her finish. Go on Emily." I spit the word Emily with a scarily calm voice which makes everyone at the table flinch. "I don't care who are to Ace, you are nothing to me." I spit, slightly raising from my chair before fulling standing up. I walk away without a second glance.

I walk out into the car park only to feel a hand on my shoulder, instinctively I flinch away and my breath becomes short and uneven. I can't breathe, my heart rate exelerates and the world around me spins, I sight back the tears that threaten to fall down my face before I hear a muffled voice that belongs to April.

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