Chapter Fifteen: Mission

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I remember tears streaming down your face
When I said I'd never let you go
When all the shadows almost killed your light
I remember you said don't leave here alone
But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight
Safe and sound - Taylor Swift

Ace's Pov

It took Lex a month and a half to find their patters. In one week is when they'll be at their most vulnerable, we all have our plan. April will be there as a friendly face for Lola since we don't know how scared of us she will be, Lex is coming on the mission with us which he never normally does he's just our tech guy, James will be coming on his first mission in 5 years, Austin is coming to help save Lola and protect his sister which I think is admirable and Daniel is coming with about 30 men once we all find a way in.

I dress in my all in black outfit the I always wear on missions, I put knives and guns in the relevant places, some are tapped to my legs, some are in my pockets and I have my gun holster around my waist. Everyone else is in almost matching clothing.


We wait until midnight before storming into the house. Once inside August and April go down the the corridor and turn to the right where we suspect Lola is being held. Lex and James turn left in order to kill anyone that is in the house and possiblely find Lola in case we were wrong.

I radio Daniel for him to come in two with the others and wait for him to arrive. They arrive within 10 minutes and we sworme the house, killing everything in our way.

Andrew's Pov

"How did they find us?" I shout at Johnson. He just shrugs and moves closer to Lola's door.

A boy the same age as Lola and a girl probably around the same age come around the corner. The girl as a dangerous look on her face with a gun in her hand. She shoots Johnson in the leg making him groan out in pain.

"Where is she?" She yells at me, I smirk at her. She wouldn't shoot me she's too weak.
She shoots me in the head, the world goes black and my breathing stops.

April's Pov 

"Where is she?" I growl at Andrew, Lex showed us all his picture four months ago and I've dreamed of killing him since then. Andrew just smirks at me so I pull the trigger of my gun shooting him square in the head.

"She's in there?" The other guy says, pointing at the door next to him. I smile and let Austin finish him off as I run to the door and slam it open.

Lola is laying in a pool of her own blood, she is continuously bleeding out, her clothes have been ripped, her eyes are closed, her breath is almost gone.

"August!" I scream with tears pulling down my face. I attempt to get her to wake up but she just stays still, deadly still.

"We need to get her to the doctor." August says, he uses his radio to call for tge doctor we brought with us who makes it here within 5 minutes, Lola's breathing as only been getting weaker.

"We need to get her to the hospital." He gasps out, more men come in carrying a stretcher, placing her on it before leaving and carrying it to the car.

I quickly rush out the house and follow the car she is in to the gang hospital. We get there in half an hour and she's rushed in, theh take her through corridors at a speed that I cannot keep up with.


An hour later Austin shows up, he pulls me into his arms. I'm crumbled in a ball on the floor.

"She's on the third floor Apple. Come on." Austin speaks, helping me to my feet and keeping his arms around me.

We reach her room quickly and a doctor is speaking to Daniel and Ace. Both look angry and distressed.

"Is she okay?" I whisper, my voice cracking.

"She's in a coma." Daniel says softly, making my world crumble down around me.

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