Chapter One: Johnny freaking Depp

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Author's note: If you like the chapter please vote for it. It helps me know I'm doing a good job, thank you

I sigh as I take a seat. As I do my long, dark brown hair falls into my face again. With a slight growl, I tuck it behind my ear. My flight has been delayed again. I'm starting to think I'll never make it out of Paris. I mean I love it here. However, there is no way I can afford to stay much longer. I've been sitting in this airport now for almost nine hours. My attention is caught by someone coming next to me.

"Is this seat taken?" He asks in a rough voice. It sounds like he has had just as hard of a day.

"No, take a seat." I pick up my bag and set it on my lap. He could have sat on the seat next to my bag, however now he can sit next to me.

"Thank you." He says with a soft smile. As he sits I look at him for the first time. My jaw falls open when I see him. It's Johnny freaking Depp. I snap my mouth shut and look away.

"Have you been waiting for a while?" He asks with an exhausted sigh.

"Yeah, nearly nine hours now."

"Holy shit. Damn. I just got here. Where are you headed?"

"Home, Utah. You?" I nervously look over at him. Man, he is way hotter in person.

"Home, LA. I was just visiting my kids."

"Oh are they here with their mother?"

"Yes. We normally would move around every couple of months between my homes, but now that Vanessa and I broke up... They stay here full time with their mother. I just come visit when I can."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you guys broke up." I quickly look away again.

"No, it's fine. Have to talk about it sometime." He says with a slightly upset tone.

"Wish I had some advice but I don't have experience with that kind of stuff."

"What kind of stuff, dating?" I nod as our eyes meet again. His eyes are such a deep, dark brown. My eyes are brown too but nowhere near as dark. His eyes remind me of chocolate, whereas my eyes are more of a honey brown.

"You've never dated before?" He asks in a shocked tone.

"Nope...I grew up in a kind of....cult." I sigh as I look away again.

"Oh, I need to know more." He laughs softly, his eyes never leaving me.

"I wrote a book about it, you can read it if you'd like." Now he looks very surprised. I pull the handmade book out of my bag and offer it to him.

"Did you make this?" He asks, looking the leather cover over.

"Yeah, for a good friend of mine. However, he decided he didn't want it after all. I can't count the number of times he asked for the story. Sorry, I'm rambling." My cheeks flare a dark red as I look away again.

"You are very shy." He chuckles and opens the book.

"Yeah, sorry." This makes him chuckle again but his attention is more on the book. I sigh a little to myself and get comfortable. I imagine I'll be here for quite some time.

"Okay, hold on." He says after about twenty minutes. He has just finished the first chapter. This chapter talks about when I first realized I was in a cult.

"Your dad would watch you shower?" He gasps, turning to me.

"Yep, pretty awful right? It gets worse I promise." He gives me a shocked look before nervously turning the page.

Lady WintersOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora