Chapter Nineteen: My sweet baby boy

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I whimper a little as I struggle to roll over. I'm thirty-seven weeks now, and the size of a whale. Jasper is defiantly on the bigger side. Not only is he big but he is moody. I do one thing wrong and he goes into a fit of rolling around and kicking. I'm surprised he hasn't broken my ribs yet or popped my bladder.

Tonight Jasper is very active, making it hard to sleep. It's worse than any other night. He is rolling and kicking and doing backflips. If he keeps moving he is going to tear his way out.

With a soft groan, I climb from the bed. I try to be as quiet as possible so I don't wake Johnny. He just got home from filming a few hours ago and looked exhausted. I can't believe how old he looked tonight. The stress of filming seemed to get to him this time. He needs his sleep. Honestly, we both do, but it doesn't look like I'm going to get any. I can't even remember the last time I had a good night's sleep.

The floor is freezing beneath my bare feet. Why does the house always have to be so cold? I would put my slippers on, but my feet are so swollen I can't. I begin to make my way to the bathroom, but freeze when Johnny speaks.

"Are you okay?" He groans, his voice thick with sleepiness. He sounds so extremely exhausted.

"Yeah, just need to use the restroom. Go to sleep, love." He groans but doesn't answer me. Hopefully, he'll go back to sleep. Once the bathroom door is firmly shut I run a warm bath. Supposedly it helps calm the baby. I add some lavender oil before stripping. As I do the door opens.

"You should be sleeping," I say without turning to look at him.

"And miss a bath with my queen, not a chance." Johnny purrs, though he still sounds tired. He helps me in before carefully climbing in behind me. I scoot up before laying back against him. I've missed his touch so much. I didn't even realize it until now. I hate when he leaves. As I lay into him, he begins to rub my shoulders. I moan as he does, relaxing into him. However, Jasper quickly puts that to a stop.

"I see a hand." He whispers as I feel Jasper move. I look down to catch a glimpse of Jasper's hand. However, it quickly disappears.

"He is being super active tonight." I groan as he flips again. For just a second you see a foot, but it disappears almost as fast as it appeared. Johnny reaches around me to place both hands on my stomach.

"He really is." Much to my surprise Jasper reaches out and presses his hand against Johnny's. My heart swells as I look down at my belly.

"I wish I had my phone," I whisper but Jasper moves before I'd even have a chance to take a picture. I give a startled gasp as pain shoots through my abdomen.

"You okay?" He asks as I sit up.

"Yeah, just a little pain. Probably because someone won't stop moving." I growl before moaning as Johnny rubs my back. He continues to rub my back with one hand, using the other to soap a sponge. He takes his time sponge bathing me.

"Will my tattoos go back to normal after the baby?" I ask as I rub my belly. Jasper is moving all over the place.

"My signature might not, because of where it is. But if it doesn't it can be covered or lasered off. The others should be fine."

"I don't want any of them messed up." I whimper, moaning when Johnny begins rubbing the stiff muscles down my back.

"You know what would really help." I purr, turning to look at him.

"Do tell." He chuckles, more than happy to help. I take his hands, placing them on my swollen breast. His eyes light as he gently rubs my breast.

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