Chapter 1 - Τhe family meeting

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Adelina's pov:

-"Today is a very important day for our pack. I would appreciate if all my children were beside me when Alpha Maximus Drako arrives. I want us to make a very good impression on him. We must win his alliance not only because he is one of the most powerful Alphas in the entire world, but because he is also the most dominant contender for the royal throne. Jake you will be with me during the meeting while the girls will be responsible for the reception and the accommodation of the Alpha" our father told us early in the morning during our breakfast. Every morning we have breakfast together. At breakfast, our father informs us about our daily schedule as well as our chores.

-"But father, I would like to be present in the meeting. I want to show him our economical projects and my ideas about it." I interfered.

-"Don't worry my sunshine Jake will show him everything. You know the Alpha's opinion about women and politics. We wouldn't like to irritate or provoke him, would we"?

-"I suppose it's ok father. I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize the future of our pack" I reassured him. Although I hate it I know that father is right. The wolf society is a male-dominated society where only men have the right to access high positions in a pack. Women can serve only as omegas or Lunas, nothing more nothing less. Women are used only for breeding and pack chores. Fortunately my father doesn't share these idiot ideas but he can't do something about it. Our pack is small and not financial strong enough to determine its mode of government by itself.

Today father is very anxious about this meeting and I know why. This isn't only about the announcement of Jake as the Alpha of the pack that troubles him. He wants to gain Maximus' alliance and support as well, in order to help him claim the free land that surrounds our territory in the north borders. However, Alpha Bradley, the Alpha of our neighbor pack, also wants this land and unfortunately his pack is bigger and more powerful than ours. I hope Alpha Maximus will understand that this land is not just another addition but our only salvation.

Since our mother died, our father has neglected his duties as an Alpha. Jake and I were very young to help him. So, his Beta and good friend, Ben took over until Jake became 21. But even though Ben was excellent in protecting the pack and preserving our land, he was terrible in running the economics. The result was that the pack's businesses were reduced by half and most pack members became poor. Now, Jake is 24 and tomorrow will become and officially the Alpha of our pack. And of course I am going to help him bring development and prosperity to our land.

Ben's son, Jacob will be our new Beta and my mate if I won't find mine. Jacob's mate died six years ago. Alisa was a very beautiful and kind- hearted girl. We weren't friends but we used to hang out together sometimes. She was brutally attacked by a team of rogues during a border patrol. We all were devastated by her loss and most of all, Jacob her mate.

Jacob and I grew up together and we are very good friends but not as good as he and my brother Jake. When I heard that Jacob and Alisa were mates I was very happy but also felt a little jealous cause I didn't have found mine. I really hope to find my mate someday, so I can be complete and reunite with my other half. I am desperate to feel the excitement, the sparks and the bond that everyone talks about. I hope our Goddess eventually blesses me with one good mate!

"The time has come. He is already here! What are you doing still on your tracksuit Adelina?" my sister Stella scolded me after she sneaked in my room once again. This is getting really frustrating! How does she manage to enter my room every time without me even noticing it? This girl has a lot of audacity!

-"Cause you're always on your own world my beautiful sister" Stella replied cockily.
"Did I say it aloud?" I thought to myself. "No, you didn't" my wolf replied in my head.

- "Huh"? I wondered.

- "What on earth are you thinking? Alpha Maximus Drako is already here, Adelina! Stop with the chit chat and get ready" my sister told me intently.

- "Give me 10 secs and I'll be ready" I replied.

-"Oh my Goddess, are you mad? What will you manage to do in ten minutes? I was preparing myself all morning for his arrival. I am so excited!! I really hope that he will be the one!" she exclaimed in enthusiasm.

-"The one?" I wondered.

-"Duh.....My one and only mate! You know he is 30 and he is still a single. He didn't manage to find her yet. Rumors say that he is still searching for her" she said enthusiastically.

- "What are you talking about? Are you out of your mind? What makes you believe that the future King of all werewolves will be your mate? His mate will be probably a princess or someone from the royal family. Besides, even if he is your mate, I've heard that he is always in a bad temper; he is selfish, harsh, arrogant and snide. So tell me why on earth would you like a mate like him"?

-"Oh Adelina can't you see? Whoever is his mate is going to be the future Queen! The fucking future Queen of all werewolves! She would be leaving in a real palace wearing the most expensive dresses and jewelries and enjoying her life in luxury. Who cares if Maximus is a jerk when you can live like this?"

-"Sorry sis, but that doesn't balance everything. I would prefer to be with someone ordinary rather than mate with Alpha Maximus. His bad character is notorious, despite all his riches and privileges."

-"Whatever were always the narrow - minded in our family. And it's obvious that you are prejudiced against him. Don't get me wrong. All I am saying is that even if the rumors are true about him, it doesn't mean that he won't treat his mate differently from others. I mean with more sweetness".

-"Please Stella grow up, people don't change so easily their behavior. In addition, his position is a very responsible one. Whoever takes it, will probably forget her personal life and space. Her life will be always in jeopardy and her actions will always be watched and criticized. I wouldn't envy that life even for all the riches of the world".

-"You are arrogant and stupid as always" she said and stormed out of my bedroom leaving me alone to get dressed for the just arrived Alpha.

Maximus' pov:

At last we arrived to this village. It is the last stop for us and then we will head back to our pack. I am tired from the tour but I managed all the werewolf community to realize who I am and how powerful, strong and cruel can be. They all understood that they can't mess with me and I made sure that no one will dare to challenge me for the throne. This pack is so insignificant to me. It's small and in a bad financial condition. However, I appreciate the fact that they want me to be present in the presentation of their future Alpha. That shows their respect to me, and this won't be forgotten. I do not mind having another ally, more the less when he comes to me on his own will.

However Ι feel a very a strange impatience, since this morning and it isn't due to my wish to return home. My wolf, Drako is also restless from the minute we entered this territory. I don't know why but I've got an odd feeling about this. It's not fear but something else which I can't specify yet. It's eagerness, anxiety and restlessness all together. Something inside me tells me that this visit is gonna change my life forever and radically. I wonder what is going to happen. Whatever happens one thing is for sure, I will be prepared to face it as always....

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