Chapter 21 - Second chance

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Adelina's pov:

I woke up to a loud noise at my door. Someone was constantly knocking on it shouting my name from outside. I told him out loud to wait for me for a few seconds. I quickly got out of bed and got dressed. When I opened the door, a tall and masculine warrior was waiting for me. He told me to follow him, according to Chris' orders. A black SUV was waiting for us at the front door. I got in and the car started immediately. The driver and the warrior that sat next to him in the passenger seat were annoyingly quiet. I tried to start a conversation with them and find out what Chris wanted from me but they didn't talk at all. I began to believe that maybe Maximus' health had deteriorated. I really hope not. Fifteen minutes later we arrived at the hospital. One of the warriors came out first and opened the door for me. I went out and headed towards the entrance. I quickly climbed the stairs and arrived outside Maximus' room. I was about to knock when Chris opened it and told me to go inside.

-"Did Maximus get worse?" I asked worried.

And then I heard a whisper, a whisper whose volume was gradually getting louder telling me to go closer. It was Maximus! "When did he wake up?" I asked Chris surprised.

-"Adelina .....come ...closer" Maximus told me with great difficulty.

I approached his bed hesitantly. He motioned for me to sit next to him which I did. I had my head down avoiding any eye contact with him. He grabbed my chin with his thumb and lifted it up.

-"I want you to look at me" he continued "The things we are going to discuss are very important and I want your whole attention on me".

-"Ok" I said timidly. I was absolutely sure he wanted to thank me for sitting with him last night and telling me not to bother him again. If I have guessed correctly, I will seize the opportunity and ask his permission to return to my old pack.

- "Adelina it's a little difficult for me to tell you...." he said and ran his hands through his hair frustrated. Then he made a sigh and continued: "The latest events made me realize how wrong and unfair I've been to you. Chris informed me about your whole night staying with me. I know that your yesterday stay contributed to the improvement of my health and my recovery from the coma and I can't thank you enough for this. I am aware of the fact that you did all this despite the way I treated you. Taking all the above into account, I decided to give you a second chance".

-"A second chance? For what? What are you talking about?" I asked him puzzled.

-" I will accept you as my partner and I will present you to the pack as my future Luna. From now on you will always be by my side as you should have been from the beginning ".

-"You what? That's the second chance you mentioned about? What makes you think that I will comply with your wish? You didn't even ask for my opinion! Who do you think you are?" I told him furiously.

-"I do not understand your anger. It finally becomes what you always wanted. Instead of rejecting you I am accepting you and you react like this? What's wrong with you woman?" he asked angrily.

-"Don't you think you should have asked me first if I wanted to be your mate instead of just announcing it to me?" I asked him disappointed.

- "I am the Alpha of this pack. I do not need to consult anyone to make a decision about my life and the well-being of my pack. In addition, you are my mate. I do what every wolf does when he finds his mate. This is what you wanted me to do from the beginning, so what is all the fuss about?"

-"Really you cannot see why?" I asked angrily.

- "No I cannot" he replied coldly and continued "Anyway, I think I made myself clear. This is my decision and it's final. Tomorrow I am going to gather the pack and announce them that my mate was found. Then I will present you officially as my Luna. Chris and some omegas will help you prepare for the ceremony. You may excuse yourself now. I have a lot to take care of. My warriors will escort you back to my house. I ordered the omegas to tidy up your bedroom there. It will be ready when you arrive."

-"Huh? What are you talking about? I will not become your Luna just because you say so. I do not care if you have changed your mind or if it suits you better. I refuse to participate in this parody. You had the opportunity to become my mate and you lost it. You made it clear many times that you did not want me that you thought I was not enough for you, that I was not capable of being your Luna. And now just because you saw that the bond obviously helped you recover from the coma, you decided to give us a second chance? And you have the audacity to inform me in this way about it without having discussed it with me first? No, I deny being your Luna. You hear? I DENY IT" I said stubbornly.

-"I'm not asking for your permission on this. I'm just letting you know though I really don't need to. I am your Alpha. Remember?" he said in an imposing way. Then he addressed to Chris "Take her back in my house and then come back here. Before you leave,  put two warriors to guard her, in case she does anything stupid." It was then that he gave me a strict glance. "I'll see you later my little love."

-"Go to hell" I answered back.

-"You know women who swear alienate me. You will learn my tastes little by little. Chris, take her. I want her to be relaxed for our night together" he said smugly.

I could not stand listening to him anymore. I was about to attack him when Chris grabbed me from behind and pulled me out of the room while I was kicking and punching the air.  A few minutes passed by until I finally managed to calm down. I honestly did not expect things to turn out that way.

-"What am I going to do? Instead of returning to my old pack I am going to be the Luna of this opportunist" I told myself.

-"Unfortunately at the moment we have no alternative. You must follow his plan until we find the right opportunity to escape" my wolf advised.


Chris' pov:

Ι left Adelina to Maximus' house and arranged two omegas to help her with everything. I tried to calm her down but it was clear that she didn't trust me anymore. Probably she thought that I had some kind of involvement in Maximus' decision. It's sad because I really like her and surely prefer her to be our Luna instead of this bimbo, Jina. I will do anything in my power to help her. This time I will not remain idle if she needs me.

I returned to Maximus determined. He was waiting for me in his room. Ηe was already dressed and shaved when I entered.

-"At last you are back. What took you so long?" he asked irritated.

-"Ι tried to calm Αdelina down before I left. What you did today was not what we agreed on".

-"Relax everything is under control. Don't worry too much. Everything will go according to the plan" he told me reassuringly.

I wouldn't count on that....

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