Chapter 8 - The ritual

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With everyone else he is so restrained, so severe and serious. He never laughs or jokes about anything, while most of the time he is rigid and strict. He must be very much in love with her to act so differently around her. I think the game is already lost for me. The smartest move is to accept that Maximus will eventually end up with her, despite the bond between us. I think the Goddess this time made a very serious mistake.

-" Maybe she put a spell on him..." my wolf intervened into my head.

-"Yeah sure that's the reason....." I said sarcastically.

Anyway, I can't keep crying over spilled milk or getting my hopes up for Maximus. I have to move on with my life by setting new goals in both my personal and professional life. Tomorrow is another day as Scarlett O'Hara said in the book "Gone with the Wind".

So let's leave all the bad thoughts behind and go to sleep I said and lay down on my bed. Unfortunately a knock on my door disturbed my silence. Apparently someone had different plans for me. I looked at the clock. It was a quarter to twelve! Who on earth could be up this late at night and what could they possibly want? I got up, put on my robe and headed for the door. I always sleep in a t-shirt and my underwear. I can't wear pjs as I always get really hot and sweaty so I avoid wearing something light and nestling in an extra blanket.

I opened the door and met a guard waiting outside probably for me. I believe his name was George or John, I wasn't sure about it... I really have an issue with remembering names. He stood in front of the door and said in a deep voice, "Alpha wants to see you." I asked him to give me a few minutes to change but he insisted it was urgent. "Alpha Maximus wants to see you right away. You can't make Alpha wait for you" he argued sternly. I adjusted my robe and followed behind. I wondered what Maximus was up to this time.

The only light came from the small green desk lamp on his desk. Maximus was sitting in his chair smoking and drinking some whiskey staring at nowhere in particular. He seemed lost in thought. He didn't even notice my presence in the room. I waited a few minutes for him to acknowledge my presence to no avail. I cleared my throat to get his attention which eventually worked.

- "Alpha, you asked for me. What's the emergency?" I finally asked.

Before I could make any decisions, we were already out of his office, down the stairs, and out of the pack house. Suddenly he stopped and started to take off his clothes while I stood completely numb looking at him. He turned around gave me a naughty look and ordered me to do the same.

He started running deep into the forest and I followed behind. Although I couldn't understand where we were going or what we were going to do, somehow I trusted him and followed him. And my wolf encouraged me in this direction.

Maximus was literally eating me up with his gaze. Although I am not very tall, I am fit and have a slim body with small curves. Some say my body is sexy others think I'm too thin. But I like my body the way it is and that's the most important thing to me.

Gooseflesh covered my whole body and a sweet feeling of millions of butterflies sat in my stomach. With our hands still folded, he began chanting some unintelligible verses for a while. During the songs, I felt a strange aura surrounding us and thought for a second that I saw a glow appear between us. When he finished chanting, he let go of my hand without breaking eye contact with me. Then without moving his lips, I heard his voice in my head:

-"Now your initiation ceremony is completed. You are officially a member of the Drako pack. Welcome, Adelina" he said giving me a toothy smile. The first smile I ever got from him and most importantly I did nothing to provoke it! Nevertheless, it was a genuine smile that made my heart fly.

-"Ahh I see.........At least next time let me know where we're going or what we're going to do so I can dress properly" I scolded him.

- "I guess I have to thank you for that" I said sarcastically and continued "But next time I would appreciate if I was informed before the event and not after......The initiation ceremony was really strange"

.-"What? What's your problem pal?" I talked back as I couldn't stand his arrogant behavior.

As the kiss deepened, I broke down my walls and surrendered to him: I hugged him, wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. I kissed him with all my might. He was holding me tight and kissing me deeply as he began caressing my thigh and lifting my robe up. When his hand reached my most sensitive part, our kiss deepened and became more dominant and wild. A shiver went through my whole body. Our bodies were on fire. Our suppressed and deeper emotions seemed to surface. It was amazing! And then suddenly he stopped and took a step back leaving me standing there trying to catch my breath. Without saying anything he abruptly shifted into his wolf and disappeared into the night.

I stood there alone, in the clearing. The moon was high in the sky illuminating the place, illuminating my soul. Was there any chance he had feelings for me? Should I be hoping for something deeper between us or was this just another act of his superiority to show me once again who was boss.

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