Chapter 6 - New friend

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Adelina's pov:

The days go by very slowly and boringly when you are a prisoner. I spent most of my time sleeping and resting to regain my strength. The whole time here, my thoughts were pessimistic and dark about my future in this pack. This was no way of life. These rules were absurd! The whole thing was absurd! Staying here under these conditions was absolutely madness! Although I grew up disciplined, I was always free in acting, thinking and living. I don't think I will ever be able to adjust to this oppressive new life.

The day my sentence ended as the guards informed me, came. Two guards picked me up and carried me to my room. I couldn't walk even if I wanted to. I had four days to eat. For the past few days, the guards only brought me one bottle of water a day and nothing else. Since then I have been involuntarily fasting thanks to our generous Alpha!

When the guards left me alone in my room, I used all my strength to get up and take a quick shower. I was so dirty I stank. After I washed myself, I lay down on my bed and darkness came over me.

When I regained consciousness, I felt too weak to open my eyes. I heard people talking and saw a light in front of me. Am I dead and if I am how it did happen? I remember taking a shower and lying on my bed. How did I manage to die? When I opened my eyes all I could see were bright white lights above me. "Doctor, doctor she's awake, she's awake" a woman's voice was heard.

A figure began to approach me. When he got close enough I could make out his features. He was a tall and very handsome man with brown hair and beautiful warm green eyes. He looked worried and relieved at the same time.

-"How do you feel Adelina"? He asked me in concern.

"How on earth does he know my name?" I thought to myself.

-"I feel tired...but also .... did I end up here?" I managed to ask.

-"An omega found you unconscious in your room and called an ambulance. They brought you here to the hospital. You were very weak and malnourished. You were out for four days. I also checked your medical file and found something very strange for a werewolf. You are anemic, did you know that?"

- "Yes doctor, I know. I was diagnosed with anemia when I was two. The doctors told my parents that I would get rid of it at my first shift but in all likelihood I still have it. No one knows why I still have it, but I've finally learned how to live with it and not let it affect my daily life!"

-"That's exquisite! I mean and strange too. Please, I would like to search it more and run a few tests, if you allow me of course. I assure you it would be only for research purposes".

-"I don't see why I shouldn't doctor..........I am quite comfortable here. Besides I don't have something to do at the moment" I said in amusement that made us both laugh.

-"Excuse me where are my manners? I'm Alex Stone, nice to meet you" he said and offered me his hand for a handshake which I happily returned.

-"Adelina Mac Arthur. Nice to meet you too sir."

-"Just call me Alex" he pointed with a smile.

-"Alex then...." I said and smiled back to him.

The moment was interrupted by a throat clearing. Someone was in the room, too.

-"Am I interrupting something?" Maximus' familiar heavy voice echoed in my ears followed by a low growl.

He stood in the doorway with both arms crossed in front of his chest. His face was rigid. Still, he looked great in that black night suit he was wearing. His gray eyes were on fire and he looked irritated. Maybe he was, probably due to the fact that as Alpha and my only relative here, he had to come and check on me. However, all the days I was in prison he did not appear for a minute. He made it clear to me that he was not interested about me. I didn't really mind. Why did he come now? He will definitely keep up appearances and show his pack that he cares about everyone even a newbie.

He took a few more steps into the room. His alpha power spread everywhere. His face, though stiff, looked tired as if he hadn't slept in days. I wondered what he was doing.....probably something "amusing" with his arrogant mistress.

-"Alpha" Alex said bowing in respect and continued "No, of course not. I was informing Adelina for her condition"

-"Adelina?" You mean Miss Mac Arthur" Maximus scolded and continued "So is she well? Can she leave now?"

-"Yes, she is stable but I would like to keep her in the hospital for a night or two to run some more tests".

- "What kind of test?" he wondered. It was obvious that he did not like this turn of events. I guess it spoils his plans to imprison me once again......

- "I am sorry Alpha I cannot reveal this information: Medical confidentiality" Alex said making a small grin.

-" How dare you? Do you know who you're talking to? This woman is my... she is my..." he couldn't finish the sentence....Of course I am unwanted for him.

- "She is what Alpha?" Alex faced him with a courage that surprised me. He respected Maximus but at the same time he showed signs of defiance, as if he was not intimidated by his position or his manners.

Maximus cleared his throat and continued. Although he seemed angry at Alex's defiance, he did not punish him. As if something was stopping him, but what? He was capable of punishing someone for less than that... Why did he make an exception with Alex? What was Alex holding him with?

-"She is a member of my pack. I must know" Maximus explained in a strict way.

-"I am sorry Alpha even though she is a pack member she is not obliged to inform you about her health status. She can do that only if she wishes you to be informed. Do you want that Adelina?" Alex said addressing to me.

Maximus casted warning glances to Alex which didn't affect him at all. He continued staring at him with arrogance.

- "No, doctor I don't want it. I don't even like his presence here. It upsets me. I want him out of my room immediately!" I finally said.

I didn't want Maximus to know anything about me, especially the secrets that make me vulnerable. I knew he would use that as another reason to justify my rejection. I've already have enough. What is more, I didn't want him to find out about me. For what reason? He didn't care. No, I won't do him this or any other favor. I don't intend to help him build his image on the rest of the pack.

-"How dare you? Do you want to be jailed again? Or would you prefer some more drastic measures to learn to respect your superiors?" Maximus threatened me.

-"And how about you? What measures do you think suit to your situation?" I talked back.

-"Careful Miss. You swim in deep waters" he told me menacingly trying to control his temper.

-"I know how to swim" I talked back.

-"Do not cross the line with me. You know what the consequences will be...."

-" Am I the one who cross the line? Really?" I asked angrily.

-"Please let's all calm down. Alpha, Adelina is not in a good mental condition yet. As you were informed she has been out for four days. So please don't push her and give her time to recuperate".

-"Ok. Whatever..... I've spent way much more time than she really deserved" he said derogatorily.

And with those venomous words and his stern face, he rushed out the room. How does he always manage to make me sad? Why is he so mean to me? What did I ever do to him? What is his problem? Even if he does not want me, why is he treating me so disparagingly?

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