Chapter Thirty-Six - First Day Back

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Reece's POV


A scowl is almost permanently imprinted on my face as I walk into school on Monday morning. I haven't been this angry at the world for a while. But today I can literally feel the anger surging through my veins. I think everyone can see it as well, because it seems like people are purposefully staying out of my way as I walk down the hall.

I try not to glare at anyone specifically, but I can feel that my eyes are narrowed. I half-hope that no one thinks that I'm aiming my clear annoyance at them. Thanks to Layla I have learned that I don't really like being mean to everyone. She's always so nice to everyone and I like her, so if I like her so much, of course I'll want to try and be a little more like her.

My phone pings in my pocket just as I reach my locker and I stop, reaching down to grab it. It's a text notification from Sunshine. A small smile pulls at my lips for the first time that morning. I open it up and my heart aches. It's a meme saying that she misses me. She's the most adorable fúcking person in the world.

I pull up the meme I already have saved to send to her and sent it before slipping my phone back into my pocket and opening my locker.

I pull up the meme I already have saved to send to her and sent it before slipping my phone back into my pocket and opening my locker

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We've been sending each other memes like that ever since I left and each time it makes my heart ache more. I can't tell if it's aching in the good way because I'm falling for her or in the bad way because I miss her so much. Probably both.

At this point I don't care too much if I'm pushing the best friends limit. I know that some of the things we do and say aren't just 'friendly'. But I can never tell if that's just how our friendship is or if maybe she likes me in that way. Either way, I have decided to just continue how we are and if I ever go too far and she tells me, I'll stop. I mean, I'll never do anything as stupid as kiss her. That's just asking for disaster. I just hope I don't slip up and tell her I like her by accident.

I start swapping a few of my books out for the day, my chest a little lighter now that I've spoken to Layla again. Suddenly, I hear my name being called from across the hall. With a frown, I turn only for my eyes to widen when someone launches themselves at me.

Stumbling slightly, I immediately tense, not wrapping my arms around the person as they hug me. They're blonde, I can see that. But I definitely do not recognise them. For a split second the blonde hair reminds me of Layla. But I quickly realise it isn't her based off of the girl's perfume and the way she hugs me. I feel at peace in Layla's presence. Whoever this is only makes me uncomfortable.

I quickly grab the person's arms and unwrap them from around my neck, taking a few steps back. I try not to be too rough and not come across too rude but I hate when people touch me. The only people that I allow to touch me like that are my family and my friends.

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