Chapter Thirty-Seven - Good News

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Layla's POV


It's been six days since they left. Almost a full week. And I feel absolutely drained.

In a way, I feel as though having everyone here over Christmas only made things worse. After being away from them for over a month, I got used to living so far away from them. Then jumping from that to spending two full weeks with them, I realised how much I really miss them.

Phone calls and Facetimes aren't the same. I miss the little things like walking to class with my friends or having movie nights and just being able to see them whenever I want.

Every night since they left I have cried myself to sleep. I always have a call with Reece before bed and that always makes me feel a little better. But it's the moments after that when I realise how far away we really are from each other that I break down.

Today is Saturday and I haven't gotten out of bed yet. It was just after twelve the last time I checked my phone but that could have been minutes or hours ago. Today's the most I have cried so far. I don't have school to help me distract myself today so I'm just left alone with my thoughts. Every second that I'm away from everyone my heart breaks a little more.

The knock on my bedroom door doesn't even make me stir. I just continue to stare at the wall across from me, huddled up in my pile of blankets. The door opens slowly, revealing my mother standing there apprehensively. She takes a few steps inside until she's sitting down next to me on my bed.

"Do you want something to eat, love? It's almost one." She asks softly, her concerned eyes staring into me.

"I'm not hungry." I whisper, blinking my eyes a few times. I immediately regret it as I feel new tears starting to form in my eyes.

"Honey, you barely ate any of your dinner last night."

I shrug, sniffling, "I wasn't hungry then either."

My mom lets out a soft sigh, reaching forward to smooth my hair down. I close my eyes, feeling myself get emotional all over again. "I know you miss them, love, but you need to eat."

I look up at her then, the first of this new round of tears falling down my cheek. "I really miss them, mom. It's so hard not seeing them."

She's silent for a moment. "You have feelings for him, don't you?"

I immediately know who she's talking about and I don't hesitate to nod. "He's incredible, mom. He's so, so amazing and I miss him so much."

"Bella said the same thing about Max." She hums.

My eyes shoot up to hers in surprise, "She did?"

She chuckles softly, "Well, not exactly. She said she misses her friends but I know my own daughters too well." Her lips fall into a frown, "I'm sorry I did this to you."

I shake my head, "It's not your fault, mom. This is what was best for you and dad."

She sighs, "No. I should have just let you stay with your father."

My mouth falls open slightly. What does this mean?

"I..." She trails off, taking a moment to collect her thoughts before continuing, "I had a talk with your father last night." My eyes widen slightly in surprise but I don't say anything, letting her continue. "We both agreed that moving you and Bella here was a bad decision. I think we underestimated how important your friendship with the Carter family is to you. We didn't realise how much being away from them would affect you.

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