Endgame-2: Chapter 23

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Haven't had a chance to read this over yet, so please excuse any mishaps.

Right on to it!

3rd Person

This was the first time Peter and Gwen had ever felt bad for a flat-bed truck. It was carrying the two spider-heroes, Dr. Hulk (A/N I know it's Professor Hulk...I just don't wanna write it), and a certain loud-mouthed raccoon.

Peter honestly didn't understand how the vehicle was still moving.

Finally, they arrive at their destination, passing a sign that says 'WELCOME TO NEW ASGARD, PLEASE DRIVE SLOWLY'

Hopping off they all come face to face with a mighty...fishing town.

"Wait...New Asgard...is a small fishing town?" Peter was very confused.

"Yeah, kind of a step down from golden palaces and magic hammers and whatnot," Rocket said.

"Hey...have some compassion" Hulk interjected "first they lost Asgard, the half their people. They're just happy to have a home"

A tall woman with curly black hair up in a ponytail walked up, "You shouldn't have come!"

Bruce chuckled nervously "Hey Valkyrie! Great to see you angry girl!"

(A/N I've decided, Hulk is either Bruce, Dr. Hulk, or just Hulk...so sorry for any confusion)

Valkyrie looked Bruce up and down, "I liked you better either of the other ways"

Bruce motions to the group around him (a little hurt )"This is Rocket, those two over there are Peter and Gwen"

"How you doin' "

Valkyrie looked at Rocket weirdly and had a slightly puzzled look when she saw Peter and Gwen.

"He won't see you"

"That bad, huh?"

We only see him once a month...when he comes for..." She looked over to a pile of barrels, labeled 'BEER' "supplies."

"It's that bad"

"Wait... you're telling me Thor is an alcoholic now? Dang...I stood up for that guy!"

Gwen patted Peter on the back sympathetically, she didn't like the image of a drunk Thor either.

Valkyrie led them over to one of the homes and motioned for them to enter.

Rocket opened the door and was followed inside by Peter and Gwen, Bruce taking a second to stoop down.

"Woo! Something died in here!"

"Hello? Thor?" Bruce called for his friend.

"Are you here about the cable?" A voice calls from down the hall.

Everyone entered the living room, to come face to face with a very, very fat Thor.

"The Cinemax ran out maybe...two weeks ago? Sports are all kinda fuzzy" He reaches for a beer.

Peter walks up and stops him from grabbing another, Bruce walks up to him.


Thor finally realizes who is in his home, "BOYS! Oh my God! It is so good to see you!" He waddles up to rocket trying to hug him "Come here you rascal!"

"That is not necessary."

"Wait...who are you two?" Thor just seemed to have noticed Peter and Gwen.

Gwen stepped out and offered her hand to shake "I'm Gwen Stacy, and that is my boyfriend Peter...were friends of Tony's...you could say"

"Ah, Stark's friends! How is he?"

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