A 'Plain' Ride: Chapter 36

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Right to it!

Gwen swung quickly through a forest, running out of trees to swing from. She landed on the ground and began to sprint at speeds no human should be able to reach. She had to get from Prague in the Czech Republic all the way to Germany as fast as possible, and that meant getting to a plane as fast as possible. 

"Karen, still no signal?" 

'No, Peter's signal is still dark" 

"Karen, are there any STARK planes nearby?" 

'There are no private planes nearby if that is what you mean.' 

"Well, how about shipping planes? Going over Berlin." 

'There is a Shipping Plane going over Berlin. It leaves in five minutes;'

"Over? As in not landing there?"

'No Gwen, the plane isn't landing. It is flying over. I would suggest a passenger flight. the next flight will take off in an hour. There will be two stops as no passenger planes fly directly from Prague to Berlin.' 

"There's no time for that! Does the cargo plane take stops?" 

'No, it does not' 

Gwen landed close to the airport, she was right in front of a fence blocking a runway. 

'How do you plan to ride on a cargo plane?'

"I'm gonna hold on for dear life"

'Gwen, the place goes at speeds over 500 miles an hour, you will be trying to withstand massive atmosphere resistances' 

"I've held onto spaceships launching into space, I can handle a plane. 500mph...so how long will it take to get to Berlin?" 

'It is 173.3 miles from Prague to Berlin, with a speed of over 500mph it will take around thirty minutes  before you are over Berlin.' 

Gwen nodded, doing some of the math in her head as well, "Alright, I can go that"

"Karen! get me to that plane!" 

'Runway 3' 

Gwen sprinted to the runway, a large grey plane was lining itself up with the centerline. She was towards the beginning of the runway, keeping out of sight behind a tanker off to the side. The plane got into its position and began to go down the runway. 

'Gwen you have about twenty seconds before the plane is too fast for you to catch' 

"Got it!" 

Gwen began running, at first, the plane was easy to keep up with, but it quickly became difficult to keep up. The plane began to pass her; Gwen kept running, her legs pumping, her heart rate spiking, only a bit longer...

'Gwen, you need to get on'

With one painful and powerful leap, Gwen closed the distance, clinging to the back of the plane. The speed began to rapidly pick up, cold air hitting Gwen with force comparable to one of Rhino's punches. 

"Oh God, come on Gwen, you can do this...just thirty minutes" 

The aircraft began to climb into the sky, and Gwen saw the ground begin to fall away underneath her, a sight she was now seeing for the second time now. 

"Well at least it's not space" 

She stayed there, clinging for dear life on the back of a jet plane. Her muscles began to burn, her skin got goosebumps and begin going numb, the roar of the engine was deafening. Gwen tried to take a calm breath but found it unsatisfying or helpful; It was becoming very hard to breathe. 

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