.Crossing a bridge.

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Hello, folks 🤗

I was wondering if, after all these years how come, this matter of forced marriage has never been discussed between them. Such matters don't just fly in the air. Karma has its own cycle to bring things in front of us.    Okay, I might have exaggerated a little, but it feels like several infinities have passed since the last time they spoke about that night openly, regardless she forgave him for every sin he did.

Our favorite Oishi brought his best Papa at his knees, opening the curvature of his past actions right in front of him. I would love to explore this side of Arnav. Your thoughts and questions will shape this up even better for me, so please bring those up.


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A quiet day it was...

Those quiet days when everyone left soon after breakfast. It was a chance to enjoy cooking. Khushi slowly put her small world in order. She had a chance to spin the ideas for the upcoming party while performing some carousel of duties to slow and occasionally stop in between. She loved to make everything look clean, cook, bake, garden, and write whatever ideas were drifting by the day.

But in between this stillness, she picked her heartbeat with a disquieting thought.

"What could now be causing this distress to Arnav? Some business deals or something from the past? He looked worried. I didn't want to disturb him this morning, but he diverted my questions too. What was that when he felt a pang of pain when I mentioned Jiji's wedding anniversary?"

Reaching nowhere with her futile questions, Khushi called Aman and inquired about ASR's whereabouts. Getting no answers to her satisfaction, she started talking to herself again.

"He didn't sleep last night either, he can't hide his pain from me. Arnavji, what is bothering you?"

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