chap 5 + 6

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- It's because this kid is in love with someone, when he saw her dressed well, he fainted.
I exhale:
-I thought he was sick, he just fainted...
Mi was talking when Wang interrupted:
- Not only that, the other guy had a very high fever, so while I was taking care of him, I gave him this medicine to... (show how to treat).
______________COME HOME________________

Kid woke up, found himself at home and lying on the bed, he felt his body heat up, headache, fatigue. He woke up and saw New Baby sitting right next to the bed, Kid saw it and asked:
- What are you doing sitting here, Mi?
Mi said:
- I take care of him.
Kid was surprised, thinking: "Take care, what is she talking about, I'm not sick."
Apparently looking at Kid's expression, Mi suddenly understood and explained that Wang examined him and showed that he had a high fever, up to 40 degrees.
Kid sadly accepted his unlucky fate.
A few days later, when Kid was lying in bed, he saw the police chief texting him that he needed him immediately, a big band of robbers came to this town to destroy the people. Kid heard that so he got up and went to the wardrobe, put on a cowboy suit and put a hat on his head (although he still had a high fever) and ran out of the room, Miu was standing in front of the door and when Seeing Kid running out, she stopped him and said:
- You stand there, you have a high fever, but running out in the sun in the middle of the sun will have a higher fever.
Kid says:
- Move aside, I have to go to the police station immediately.
But Mi strongly opposes:
- You can't go, you have a very high fever.
So Kid and Mi argued fiercely.
Until Kid spoke up grumpily, saying:
- That's enough, I've passed your work. I HATE YOU. Go away
Hearing Kid say that, Mi burst into tears and said:
- You raise your voice to's fine, I'll go, I'll go to please you_ Mi ran while crying.
Kid at that time was more interested in the police story than Mi, so he left without a word.
________Arriving at the fort and entering the FIGHT_______

The battle took place very fiercely, the troops of both sides died more than half. Only when there was only Kid and the gang boss left, Kid thought it was only him, who would have guessed that he had other names. When only Kid and the boss were left, he negligently caused his accomplices to open fire and shoot the last bullet at him, Kid only noticed the boss, not the crowd, until he accidentally saw it. He couldn't move, the gun was out of ammo, so he closed his eyes, thinking he was going to die...
But no, the one who died was not him but Mi, he opened his eyes and saw a horrifying scene, Mi falling down in front of him. Not believing his eyes, Kid lifted Mi up and thought: "What is this, why is it not me who died but Mi, why is that..."
While thinking, he suddenly saw Wang rushing out, running to catch Mi, saying:
- Pajamas, why don't you take them to the hospital quickly...
Wang turned his head to the crowd and said:
- Mon, the ambulance from the future takes Mi quickly.
- Uh uh... - Mon said as he opened his phone to call an ambulance.


________When the doctor is operating_________

"What have I done? Why did you make her so miserable, my god......" - Kid thought.
Suddenly the doctor came out and said:
- Congratulations, the surgery was successful, everyone can visit the patient.

Everyone rushed in to ask questions, give gifts to wish them well, but Kid, he just stood there. When everyone left, Mi immediately called him in with that sign he composed, he wondered what Mi would say to him, a reprimand, a bad criticism for example, but it was all worth it for him. did not listen to the good that even, he even lost faith in himself.
He entered her room with a melancholy face, she hugged him in her arms, said:
- I'm sorry for interrupting your work...
Kid heard his heart skip a beat, one boy said it was very painful, his tears fell slowly, gently rolling down his face, he said:
- No, it's my fault, because I didn't listen to you, even yelled at me to make you cry. This is my fault, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...
Mi gently put both hands on Kid's cheeks to dry the remaining drops of water on his cheeks, saying:
- I know it's okay to make mistakes, I forgive you.
The sunset fell gently and relaxed, he felt like his heart was warmed.
Kid took a chair and sat next to Mi, holding a bowl of porridge and said:
- You eat, I will take care of you little by little like you take care of me.
- Thank you !
--------------------------END------------------------ ----

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